I avert my eyes, knowing she’s right, but it’s not my fault I kept thinking about a certain guy with green eyes and a smile I wish I could see one more time.
“Okay, fine. Go and get laid for both of us. I’ll just go home and wait for the only man in my life to get home.”
She quirks an eyebrow questioningly, and I chuckle.
“Jaxon, you idiot.”
Her eyes widen as laughter infects both of us. She gives me a sympathetic look before kissing me on the cheek.
“I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
I don’t even have time to say something sarcastic like, don’t forget to be safe, condoms save lives! Before she’s out the door and I’m left alone once more.
As I walk out of the bathroom, headed back to the bar to pay for both our tabs, I catch myself looking around, hoping to see one last glimpse of the man that has invaded all my thoughts. Resigning myself to the fact that tonight was a bust, I pay our bills and head out the front door.
When the late November air hits my bare legs, I wonder why I thought it was a good idea to wear this dress, and why I didn’t think to bring a heavier coat. I pull out my phone only to find it died some time while we were in the bar and so I do the only thing I can think of… look up at the sky and wonder what I did to deserve this.
I quietly whisper, “Why?”
“Everything okay?”
My body jolts at the recognition it feels toward that voice, the one I’ve been conjuring in my mind all night. I slowly turn and as those green eyes meet mine, I thank whoever sent him my way.
“Yup, just trying to decide whether this is a cruel joke or just karma for trusting my friend.”
He’s leaning against the brick wall, one foot on the ground, and the other planted on the wall. It’s sexier than anything I have ever seen until that smile graces his face and I realize that that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.
“Where is your friend?” he asks, looking down the empty street as he pushes himself off the wall, making his way toward me.
“Went home with some guy.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal, but really, I just want to go home, get out of this dress and get into my bed .
“And she left you all alone knowing you’ve had a good bit to drink?”
I can’t quite place the tone of his voice. I want to say he sounds angry at Jenn for leaving me, but the quirk in his lips as he said it shows a hint of humor.
“Unfortunately, yes. She also left me with a dead phone and no way of getting home.” I look down the street hoping to see a cab drive by, but of course, I see nothing.
“That’s quite the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into.” His eyes sparkle as he walks just a bit closer, his cologne taking over all my senses.
“I thought you left.” I groan inwardly at the word vomit that just left my mouth.
“I didn’t think you’d notice.”
Those emerald greens wash over me as my shoulders shrug, trying to calm my racing heart as he steps even closer, causing all of my senses to go into overdrive.
“Thought maybe you were too into showcasing just how amazing that body of yours looks while it moves.” His fingers tug on the velvet belt of my jacket and pull, causing me to fall into his hard chest.
“What are you doing?” My voice barely above a whisper, my eyes searching his only to find pure lust staring back at me.
“Something I wanted to do the second you walked away from me.”
And before I can question him further, his head dips and I know exactly what’s about to happen.
“I don’t think this is smart,” I murmur, my eyes remaining closed, too embarrassed that I’m stalling the hottest guy I have ever seen from kissing me.
“Who says I’m smart?” he teases, my eyes opening only to find his gaze searing into mine. I swallow audibly as that cocky smirk filters across his lips. “You say the word and I’ll walk away, but I think… I think you want me to stay.”
I close my eyes one more time, trying to find the courage to say no because that’s the responsible thing to do. But every cell in my body is screaming to find out what those lips feel like against mine.