“Why do you have that look on your face?” Matt asks from across the room as I’m jerked out of my daydream about Morgan, something that’s been happening ever since she got back; it’s only becoming more common the more time I spend with her.
“What are you talking about?” I say, ignoring his knowing smile as I return to looking at my emails.
“I’m talking about the look of utter happiness you’ve had ever since you went over to Morgan’s house the other day. Care to explain?” I shake my head, ignoring him completely. “You can ignore me all you want, but I will ask you the same question every day for as long as it takes for you to tell me what happened.” I sigh because I know he’s not bluffing. He did the same thing when I started dating Bailey. He wanted to know why I was being so stupid, but I had no answer for him. I thought it was a good idea at the time.
“Fine, I kissed Morgan.” That’s an incredible understatement for what happened, but I really don’t want to say that I kissed her more than three times and let her grind on my cock until we both came in our pants like teenagers making out in my parent’s basement.
“Morgan? It’s about fucking time,” he replies as he passes me and goes to put some new flyers against the window.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, the minute she came home, and you saw her, I noticed the changes in you. You’ve been in love with her for so long. I’m just happy I don’t have to hear about it anymore.” I look at him, confused because I never talked to him about Morgan—at least not that I remember. “Whenever you get drunk, you talk about how much you regret letting her get away, blah blah blah. It got annoying, hence why I don’t get drunk with you anymore.” My eyes widen because I just thought he stopped drinking. Apparently, it was me all along. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.
“Fuck, man, I thought you went dry.” He chuckles and shakes his head.
“Nope, just avoiding drunk you.” I throw a towel at him as I lean back against the wall. “So, what happened? Did you seal the deal?” I quirk an eyebrow and softly shake my head. “Why not? The girl looks at you like you’re ice cream on a hot day.” I sigh because I know that admitting any of this will lead to incessant probing, and the threat of Matt holding this over my head forever is real. “Come on, man, as much as I make fun of you, I actually do care about your life.”
“Fine. No, we haven’t sealed the deal.” Just hearing the words leave my mouth makes me sick because I want nothing more than to feel her wrapped around me. But we can’t. At least, not yet.
“Why not?”
“She needs to understand that I want more.” His brow creases as his eyes search mine.
“More?” I chuckle at his disbelief.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment since I was sixteen. I can’t rush it. I won’t rush this.”
“Why so cautious?”
It takes a moment to get the words together before I answer. “Because I can’t lose her again. If going slowly allows her to see how much I really care about her, then I’ll do it for as long as it takes for the truth to sink in.”
He smiles as he heads into the back, and I hear the bell go off on the front door, letting me know that someone came in. The minute my eyes lock with the beauty crossing the threshold, I can’t help the smile that overtakes my face.
“You busy?” Morgan asks as she shuts the door behind her and heads to where I’m leaning against the front counter. She looks gorgeous as always. She’s wearing her workout clothes, but this time, I see a bright pink sports bra peeking out, and my mouth starts to water at the prospect of seeing more of it.
“Hey!” Morgan says, snapping her fingers in front of my face. “Eyes up here, bud.” My eyes jerk to hers, only to see the best smile I’ve ever seen on her face.
“Come here,” I say, hooking my fingers around her neck and pulling her close as my lips descend to hers. The kiss isn’t x-rated, but when we hear a throat clearing behind us, we break apart as if our parents just caught us. Fuck, I could kiss her all day. Getting through training is going to be a bitch, especially knowing what she tastes like, and what she feels like riding my cock like a champion.
“I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. I’ll be in the back if you need me,” Matt says before heading back to the storage room and leaving us alone once again.
“You ready to get started?” I ask, loving the blush that travels up her neck as she nods and goes and gets the mats off the wall to place them on the floor. “I was thinking we could do something different today, if you’re up for it.” She nods enthusiastically, but I also see the hint of fear in her eyes. I soften, cupping her face. “I would never make you do something I didn’t think you could do, okay? You don’t have to be worried about any of that in front of me, all right? I support you, no matter what.” I give her a quick kiss before we start stretching. After a few minutes, she looks at me, sweat dripping down her forehead.
“What’s the new thing you wanted to try?” She’s hesitant. Most clients are when I mix things up—and that’s the reason I do it. If you do something too many times, if you get too comfortable, so does your body, and you stop pushing yourself to go harder. That’s why I always try to switch things up every few weeks. It makes things more interesting, and honestly, it gets better results.
“I wanted to try a circuit. I know we’ve been focusing on cardio and weights. A circuit is still the same thing, but this time, I’ll time you.” Her brows furrow, so I take out the papers in my back pocket and show her my plan.
“We have six exercises. All are either cardio or strength training-related, but the catch is that you are at each station for thirty seconds. Once you finished the first round, you have a minute’s rest, then you do it all over again. We do that three times.” Her eyes bulge because she knows how hard this is going to be.
“Are you fucking kidding me? That sounds awful,” she sputters, and I start laughing, helping her off the floor and getting all the equipment we’ll need.
“I know it sounds terrible, but I promise you’ll feel so much better after you finish. And there might even be a reward in it for you if you complete it.”
“Oh? Like what?” she says, quirking an eyebrow. I feel a tightness in my chest when I think about the fact that she’s finally mine. I’ve spent the last ten years knowing that this is where I was supposed to be, and now that I’m finally here…I will not take it for granted, no matter what. I walk over to where she’s standing and lean in, kissing her softly, traveling across her jaw until I stop at the shell of her ear.
“There might be an orgasm or two for you after this...if you complete it and work your ass off.” I add that last part because even though I want her to stay the way she is—because I think she’s gorgeous no matter what—I know she wants to do this. And the trainer in me needs to see the results—for her. She nods her head as she starts to lean in for another kiss, but I back away. I shake my head and jerk my chin in the direction of the circuit setup. “No sugar for you until you finish.” She groans and starts loosening up.
“You ready?” I ask, and she nods.