“What are you doing here, Bails?” I demand, stepping in front of Morgan, knowing what’s about to happen and hoping I can deflect as much as possible.
“What the fuck are you doing with that whale? You seriously broke up with me for that?” Her face scrunches in disgust as she points in Morgan’s direction. Delicate fingers grip the sides of my shirt as I feel Morgan’s head fall forward and rest against my spine. My hand discreetly falls behind me as my fingers grip hers, hoping it helps with the barrage of hate that I know is coming.
“Bailey. You know you’re not welcome here. Please leave.” My voice is hard and stern, but I’m trying hard not to sink to her level. Given the way Morgan’s fingers grip mine, I’m starting to wonder why.
Before Bailey can say anything else, I turn and face Morgan. I see the uncertainty in her eyes and wonder what I have to do to make sure that look never crosses her face again. “You doing okay?” I say, my fingers brushing the sides of her face as I smile. She leans into my touch and nods, but I don’t believe her.
“What is she doing here?” Morgan’s voice is below a whisper, and I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry my ex is insane and is a raging bitch? I’m sorry I’m a chickenshit and haven’t told her to fuck off yet? I’m sorry I waited all these years to finally show you how I feel?
“Hello! I’m still standing here, you know!” Bailey screeches. I turn my head, and our eyes meet.
“Yes, I see that. Care to tell me why exactly you came into my place of business when you know you aren’t welcome?” Bailey recoils. I’ve never been this harsh before, and I know it’s actually a few weeks too late.
“You didn’t think that a few weeks ago when we fucked using that pull-up machine…” Bailey points beside her, and the intake of breath behind me sets my teeth on edge. It takes everything in me not to lunge at her and shove her through the door.
“Uh, I’m gonna go change…” Morgan whispers, and before I can tell her not to, she’s gone.
“You seriously like her fat ass more than mine?” Bailey sputters, watching Morgan as she closes the door to the changing rooms. “I mean, you went from a ten to a minus ten if you ask me.” She chuckles at her bad joke as I shake my head.
“You need to leave, Bailey,” I say, checking the door to make sure Morgan hasn’t come back out. I don’t want her to be anywhere near this. “Now. Before I call the cops on you for trespassing.” She rolls her eyes and leans back against the front counter.
“You would do that to the girl you said you loved not even four weeks ago?” She starts to undo the skin-tight hoodie covering her chest, revealing a black bra that leaves nothing to the imagination.
“Fucking hell. Cover yourself before you embarrass yourself,” I mutter, turning back toward the changing room door, glad to see Morgan is still safely on the other side. Bailey barks out a laugh before fully taking off the hoodie and standing in front of me in just her bra and jeans.
“I have nothing to be embarrassed about. But your chubby friend in there? She could never live up to this.” She gestures to her body, clearly thinking that will win me over when it’s doing the exact opposite. “She’ll never get you so hard you have to fuck her in your office in the middle of the day. She’ll never know what it feels like to have you fuck her like you can’t get enough because you love fucking girls like me, not girls like her,” she spits, pointing at the door that is now open, Morgan standing there with wide eyes.
“Morgan, it’s not true…” I start, but she holds up her hand. When our eyes lock, my stomach sinks at the sight of the tears threatening to fall.
“Oh, isn’t that sweet? Did I hurt her feelings?” Bailey says with a shit-eating grin on her face, clearly satisfied with the hurt she inflicted.
“I’m done,” Morgan says as she picks up her bag from the floor and heads to the front door. “You might want to put a shirt on,” she suggests to Bailey as she passes. “Don’t want people getting the wrong idea.” I give Morgan a small smile, wishing I could wrap her in my arms and shield her from all of this. But I know right now the best thing to do is get her as far away from Bailey as possible. Even if that means being far away from me.
“I’ll call you later,” I say before Morgan heads out the door. I expect a slight nod, maybe a smile. What I don’t expect is the look of defeat.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I need some time.” And before I have a chance to fight, she’s gone, leaving me alone with the one person standing in the way of my happiness.
Chapter 14
It doesn’t take long for the tears to come the moment I get into my car and make my way home. I can’t figure out if they’re from heartache, frustration, or just plain anger. I don’t know what it is about Bailey that makes me want to punch her perfect face until she understands what her words do to people like me. Those who don’t have the self-confidence to brush it off as if it’s nothing. People who take every single letter of every single word and store it away in a little box in our minds for when we’re feeling horrible about ourselves.
Fat ass.
You don’t love girls like her. You love girls like me.
You loved me a few weeks ago.
All of those things run through my head as I drive aimlessly through the city, wondering what the hell I’m going to do. I mean, before that moment? Before Bailey walked in and ruined everything, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Owen kissed me. And not just a friendly peck, a bruiser that left me panting and wanting much, much more. But what I’m left with now is doubt and a sack full of unanswered questions. Why now? Why is he making a move now when he’s had weeks to do it? Why did he say he loved me in high school that night by the beach and then never bring it up again? Why am I afraid of the answers to those questions? Because I know in the end, those answers will turn the world I know upside down. And right now, I can’t figure out if that’s a good thing.
When I park in my driveway, I don’t get out. I sit there, staring at my phone and knowing I have to hit the call button. So, I do it before I change my mind.
“Hello!” Charly says cheerfully, and I open my mouth to say something but I’m speechless. How do I explain to her what happened when I don’t even know what that is. “Morgan? You there?” she asks as a hint of worry enters her tone.
“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry, must have spaced out there for a bit.” I try to mask the hitch in my voice because the tears are still steadily streaming down my cheeks, making it hard to concentrate on anything but breathing through the weight that seems to have settled on my chest.