Page 15 of Wrapped in Red

I can hear soft instrumental music that sounds like holiday music but I can’t be sure. Everywhere I look there are more decorations that I never knew you could buy, like a life-size nutcracker that looks creepier than intended standing in the shadows behind the piano.

“Relax,” Liam whispers as his arm grips my side, bringing me flush against him. “You’re with me. Everything’s gonna be fine.” His eyes are reassuring, but I can still feel the pit in my stomach that tells me the other shoe is going to drop. “Let’s go find everyone and get this over with…” He pulls me along toward what I assume to be the living room, or is it a sitting room? I have no idea. All I know is there are couches and chairs that look older than my grandmother, and when I look around, all eyes are on me. I try to greet everyone with a smile and confidence until my eyes land on the one person I never expected to see.

“Josephine? What are you doing here?” Derek chokes as his eyes frantically search the room.

“What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here?” I mutter as I look around at all the confused faces, but the gaze my eyes find first is the one of an angry-looking woman, who is holding onto Derek’s hand with all her might.

“Honey? What the hell is your ex doing here?” she murmurs, her eyes shooting daggers my way. Derek looks away from me and glances over at who I assume is his fiancée. Her platinum blonde hair cascades loosely down from her head, past her shoulders and for a split second, I’m jealous of the way Derek is looking at her. Then Liam squeezes my hand and I remember he’s a douchebag. Her face is painted to look natural and her nails make me wince at the idea of her doing everyday tasks without hurting herself or someone else.

“Sugar, I had no idea she would be here. You know she means nothing to me now.” Her dark eyes never leave mine, but Derek’s track up and down my frame and I see the same look of appreciation he used to give me when we were together. I shudder and wonder how he landed someone like her.

“Why the fuck are you here?” she screams just as Liam steps in from of me.

“She’s here with me, Taylor, and I would watch your tone when you’re talking to her.” His voice is hard and a sense of warmth washes over me. Then I remember that he called her Taylor…as in Liam’s sister, Taylor. Liam’s sister is holding Derek’s hand, the engagement ring glinting in the light. She rolls her eyes and gets up off the couch and I can see the tiny baby bump visible on her thin frame and my whole body recoils. Derek is getting married to Liam’s sister. Derek and Liam will be brothers-in-law. I can’t be a part of this, I can’t do this.

I run.

She bolted.

I don’t blame her, I would do the same if I had to endure everything she just witnessed. I’m running after her the moment her hand leaves mine. I follow her outside as her head shakes back and forth. I can tell she’s muttering something to herself and for a split second I wonder if I should let her leave. But I’m a selfish bastard and I want her here beside me, even if I have to leave with her.

“Did you know?” she whispers, standing with her back to me. I tell her no and she spins, her eyes meeting mine. “Was this all a setup? You meeting me, spending time with me. Was this all so that you and Derek could humiliate me in front of your family?” It takes me less than a second to reach her and when I do, I take her face in my hands and shake my head.

“Of course not. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I had known my stupid sister was with your ex, I never would have made you come here.” Her eyes search mine, the uncertainty there. I understand why she’s hesitating, but I will make her understand that she is more important to me than my family. She is everything.

“This is so embarrassing…” she whispers, shaking out of my hold and sitting down on the stone steps. She lowers her head into her hands and I pull her against me. We sit there for a few minutes in silence, her whole body shaking and I know what I need to do.

“Let’s go,” I say, motioning to my car.

“What?” Her head jerks toward me and a shocked look crosses her face.

“Let me take you home,” I say, getting up and making my way to the car. I hear her run up behind me and take my hand, stopping me.

“Why?” she asks as I open the passenger door. She stands still, not moving and I look at her with questioning eyes.

“Why would you want to stay here?” I ask, the door closing as I lean against it. I fight the urge to pull her toward me, but fail miserably. “Your ex, who is a royal dick by the way, is here.” She gives me a small smile as I continue. “My sister is being a huge pain in the ass as per usual. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that your ex and my sister are getting married…” I shake my head because I still can’t believe my sister would pick someone like Derek. From what little I know about him, he’s not at all what my parents would want for Taylor.

“And she’s pregnant,” JJ adds as my eyes widen. I think back to the party a few weeks ago when Derek mentioned his new fiancée having morning sickness, and it all starts to make sense.

“That must be what her announcement is,” I murmur as JJ stares straight ahead. Her eyes glass over and I can tell she’s thinking about Taylor and Derek. I can also see the longing there for the life she thought she had with him, but before I can address the look, it’s gone. Replaced by a sassy smile. All of a sudden, she’s out of my arms and walking back toward the house. “Where are you going?” I ask. She looks back at me and smiles.

“Going back in? I thought there was going to be food. It’s really the only reason I’m here.” I laugh at the sarcasm dripping from her tone and I realize right then that I’m in love with her. She’s amazing.

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t mind one bit telling them all to fuck off and take you home.” She gives me a sweet smile as she walks back to me. She takes my face in her hands and brings her lips to mine as we sink into the kiss. I want nothing more than to deepen it, but she pulls away too fast.

“I’m sure.” She says taking my hand in hers, leading me inside the house.

We sit silently around the dining room table, and to say it’s awkward would be an understatement. Everyone is silent as we eat and I look over at JJ, seeing the tension build in her shoulders the longer we sit silently. As if my father can sense the tension, he speaks first.

“So, Josephine, what do you do for a living?” he asks, and I give him a grateful nod, which he returns. JJ straightens in her chair, taking a deep breath.

“Well, I own my own editing company,” she says proudly. My hand grasps her knee and squeezes, letting her know I’m here. She gives me a grateful wink that sends heat straight to my cock. Thank God for long tablecloths.

“What she means is, she freelances to anyone who will take her,” Derek mutters as he takes another bite of food. I glare at him, feeling JJ freeze at the comment. But my girl doesn’t take shit from anyone, and I smile at the determination in her eyes.

“Actually, I’ve had to turn people away lately. Too many contracts going at the moment,” she says proudly and I smile. Damn, she’s amazing.

“So what do you edit?” my mother asks as the whole table stops what they’re doing. It’s rare for my mother to talk during meals, especially in a scenario like this one.