Page 9 of Wrapped in Red

She immediately answers that she’ll be ready and I can’t help the shit-eating grin that comes over my face. This girl is going to turn my life upside down…and I couldn’t give a shit.

“So where did you end up last night?” I ask, sitting at the kitchen island as Clara makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She shrugs and dips her head and I know from the glazed look that she was with a guy. “What’s his name?” I ask, smiling at the blush that covers her pale cheeks.

“I don’t know,” she mutters, shoving a spoon of peanut butter into her mouth. I quirk an eyebrow in her direction, questioning the fact that my best friend spent the night with a nameless guy she just met. “Stop looking at me like that,” she says, pointing the now empty spoon in my direction. I put my hands up in surrender.

“Sorry. I’m just shocked my strait-laced best friend would sleep with a guy she doesn’t know. Let alone not get his name.”

“We didn’t do much talking, if you know what I mean…” I burst out laughing, loving the smirk that twists across her face.

“You slut!” I yell as she throws the peanut butter jar at me. I catch it no problem, sticking a finger in and savoring the taste of it in my mouth. “Since when do you…you know?”

She shrugs and bites into her finished sandwich. “It just sort of happened. We were dancing and his hands felt so good…” Damn, do I know the feeling. Just listening to Clara talk about some other guy’s hands makes me remember the feel of Liam’s hands on me and in me.

“Girl, I’m one to talk,” I mutter as she chuckles, leaning back against the counter. “But I’m just surprised you would go home with a guy you don’t know. That’s all.” She averts her eyes and I know she’s hiding something. “What?” I ask as she shoves the last of the sandwich into her mouth, shaking her head. “Come on, you know I will follow you around and bug you until you tell me. I did the same thing in college, remember? When you had that crush on Ian Hunter and you refused to admit it?” Her shoulders deflate as she rounds the island and sits next to me.

“The thing is, I didn’t exactly go home with him…” she mumbles, and it takes a few seconds for the words to sink in. Did she just admit to having sex in the club? No way. Not Clara.

“Are you telling me you had sex with a stranger in the club?”

She gives me a slight tilt of her head, masking her face in the palms of her hands. “It all happened to so fast! We were making out on the floor and it felt so amazing, and then we were in the hallway and then before I knew it we were in a room and…you get the rest.” Jesus. This is insane, especially for Clara. I must be silent for longer than I thought because Clara takes my hand and says, “Say something…please?”

I burst out laughing and I notice her face fall. “Oh no, sweetie, I’m not laughing at you. I’m just laughing at the whole situation.” She gives me a questioning look, her hand leaves mine and I know she’s getting ready for a verbal attack, but that’s not what this is. I take her hand back in mine, making sure she knows I love her no matter what. “I was laughing because of course it would be you, strait-laced Clara, that would end up fucking a nameless guy in a club and then never see him again.” She starts laughing as the tension lifts off her shoulders, and mine.

“I know. I still can’t believe I did it. It feels like a dream.” Her eyes cast down and a blush creeps up her cheeks. Oh, this is gonna be good. I turn toward her.

“A good dream, I hope? I mean from the pink on your cheeks I would hope he knew what he was doing,” I joke.

“Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing,” she mutters, and I smile. Good girl.

“So he was good?” She quirks a brow and I smile. “What? What’s the point of having a best friend if I can’t live through your experiences?” She just rolls her eyes as she takes her spoon and dips it once again into the peanut butter.

“You have your own mystery man if I remember correctly,” she says with a mouthful of spoon. I say nothing because she’s right.

“True. But there are a few key differences. One, I know his name,” I joke.

“Touché” She nudges me with her shoulder, making me chuckle.

“Second, I have never done it in a closet at a club hours after meeting someone.” She blushes again and my eyes bulge. “Not hours?” She shakes her head. And I laugh because damn, this girl is living my fantasy. “So I’m going to ask it again, was he any good?”

“The best,” Clara says, looking me dead in the eyes, and I smile at the evidence of that statement on her face.

“Ever?” I ask, she nods blowing out a breath. “Wow. That’s saying something.” She slaps my arms and we both laugh. Clara might be famous on YouTube, but I’ve told her on many occasions that she needs to get out more. No matter what the comments on her videos say, she is not as experienced as they think she is, and honestly some of those comments are just gross. Yet Clara never really lets them get to her, even though she reads every single one.

“Don’t you need to get ready?” she asks as I look over at the clock on the stove and mutter a curse.

“Yup, he’ll be here in a few hours. I need to shower and get this working from home smell off me.” She laughs, since she knows all too well what that’s like. I head into my bedroom and then into my bathroom, hoping I can stop thinking about Liam’s hands long enough to get ready.

I chose a tight pair of jeans that hug all my curves and a light beige flowy top that accentuates the girls enough for Liam’s eyes to bulge upon seeing me. That look alone made me feel sexy as fuck as we left my place. He brought his Camaro as promised and the minute I sit on that leather seat and feel the rumble of the engine as we drive, I’m in heaven. He could’ve taken me to a drive-through and I would’ve been happy just to sit in this car all night.

The drive is too short for my taste and I sigh when he pulls into a semi-deserted parking lot. “Don’t worry, angel, if I have it my way we’ll be spending a lot of time in this car.” His wink sends heat straight to my core, his laughter filling the cab as I shift in my seat.

The moment the small diner is in front of us I know I made the right decision concerning my jeans. I give past JJ a high five and look over at Liam, who is just staring at me with a small smile across his lips.

“What?” I question as he takes my hand and brings my fingers slowly to his lips. His tongue traces circles across my knuckles and my thighs clench as the heat travels through my body. What is this man doing to me?

“You’re gorgeous…you know that?” he whispers, his eyes meeting mine with a look that says he didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m glad he did.

“You keep talking like that and we might not make it out of this car.” He growls as he kisses my palm and tells me to wait as he gets out of the car. Once my door is open, his hand appears, helping me out.