“Maybe you could be a partner, too.”
“What? No.” I blurt. “This is Seb’s territory. And besides, I still have no idea if our not-so-fake-relationship will last past midnight.”
“How very Cinderella of you.” Nita grins.
I take a break to go get a drink and explore some of the delicious snacks Daisy’s catering crew arranged. “Kind of a trip, huh?” Jason says, finding me at the snack table. “Takes me back to our prom.”
“You mean, when Kris Kensington mooned the whole room on a dare?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No, I meant, that dress reminds me of the one you wore that night. You were the most beautiful girl there,” he says, gazing at me almost wistfully. “You still are.”
Umm, what? I blink. Clearly, the man’s been hitting the Modesto Merlot hard tonight.
“Uh huh,” I say vaguely, looking around for an escape. “Sorry!” I blurt, “Need to go dance with Sebastian.”
“Who?” he frowns.
“Stefano!” I back away. “Have fun!”
With your actual girlfriend, I silently add, hurrying across the terrace. But maybe Jason is just feeling the nostalgia tonight. I’ve seen a few old classmates get a little teary, reuniting with old friends and dates. You kind of can’t help it, at an event like this.
I find Sebastian with my least favorite people: Courtney, Jessica, and Megan. “Hi,” I say, interrupting awkwardly.
“Hi!” Courtney cries, pulling me into a massive, affectionate hug. “Oh my god, Roxy, why didn’t you tell us about youramazingboyfriend?”
“So amazing,” Megan pipes up.
“Umm, well…” I look blankly to Seb, who quickly drapes an arm around me.
“I’ve been getting to know your old friends,” he says, and I have to bite back a laugh.Friends. Sure.
“He told us all about your meeting, and the romance, and how much he adores you. You’re so lucky, you two are just couple goals,” Courtney says, gazing at me with… actual envy in her eyes?
It’s a far cry from her bitching the other night about what a loser I am. And yes, I will take it!
“Well, you know, we just clicked,” I beam, giving Seb a big grin of thanks.
“No,” Courtney says, gripping my arm. Her eyes are wide, and freakishly intense. “You don’t know how lucky you are, finding a man like him.”
“Well, I’m afraid I have to steal him away now,” I say, already backing up. “Have a great night.”
I take Seb’s hand and drag him away. “What was that about?” I ask.
“Courtney’s husband bailed tonight,” he says quietly. “Decided to go on a last-minute hunting trip, didn’t even think about who would look after the kids. And Megan’s guy is getting drunk and sloppy, and Jessica’s husband, well, he’s getting way too friendly with that brunette in the belt skirt.”
“Oh.” I look back at the women and feel a curious sensation in my chest.Sympathy. For them? But hey, maybe this is a new level of growth and maturity, realizing the women who made me feel so bad about myself have some problems of their own to deal with.
Then Sebastian gives me a sizzling look, and everyone else melts away. “May I have this dance?”
He holds out his hand. I take it and whirls me off onto the dance floor to slow dance to an Adele song.
“Thank you,” I tell him, resting my head on his shoulder. With his arms around me, and our bodies pressed close, it’s just about heaven to me.
“For what?” Seb’s voice is a murmur in my ear.