Page 70 of One Week Wingman

I flash back to Roxy in the backseat of my car, lips wrapped around my dick, driving me wild.

“No trouble at all,” I lie. “It’s all been very wholesome. We’ve been to a high school football game. Apple picking. And maybe a small run-in with the local law enforcement…” I admit.

Charlie snorts with laughter. “That’s more like the Sebastian Wainwright I know. Just remember these are Roxy’s people,” he adds. “Don’t go scaring off the best bartender we’ve ever had.”

“I won’t,” I say, smiling. “Just a couple more days of this fake relationship Stefano routine, and we’ll be safely back in the city.”

“Don’t be so sure about that,” he teases. “Look at me and Grace. You start out pretending, and next thing you know, you’re picking out a ring.”

I pause. “You’re proposing?” I ask, blinking. Sure, I’ve known they were getting serious, but marriage? I let out a low whistle. “That’s some turn-around from the Charlie Fox I used to know.”

“Things change. Love happens.” He sounds entirely too cheerful. “One of these days, you’ll figure it out.”

I give a laugh. “You sound like an inspirational podcast, mate.”

Charlie laughs. “You know what? I’m feeling like one, too. You never know what’s around the corner, my friend. Sometimes, fate has a way of smacking you upside the head.”

“Well, fate can just keep on moving,” I tell him. “Unless it’s leading me in the direction of my very own vineyard.”

“Oh yeah, how’s that coming along?” he asks.

“Slowly, but I’m getting there,” I reply. “Things ended up going pretty well with the old man, so we’ll see. Fingers crossed he goes for the partnership.”

“See, you’re already thinking about commitment, and settling down,” Charlie says with a smirk in his voice.

“Committing to a chunk of land, and a woman, are two very different things, my friend,” I tell him. “Although, those grapes can be just as temperamental sometimes.”

“Really? Roxy doesn’t seem the high-maintenance type.”

“She’s not,” I reply without thinking. “At least, not in a bad way. She just doesn’t take any bullshit, that’s all. She knows exactly what she wants.”

“Mmmhmm?” Charlie sounds smug. “Sounds like that relationship of yours is working great. Sorry,fakerelationship.”

I roll my eyes. “Hanging up now,” I tell him, and he laughs.

“Ten bucks says, you’ll get more than you bargained for. And you can bet, I’m going to collect!”

I really do hang up on him then—because I’m not about to admit, he’s already right. I’m getting way more than I planned with this whole fake dating thing.

And I’m loving every sexy, unexpected minute of it.

But just how long is our not-so-fake fling going to last? Talking to Charlie reminds me that this arrangement was only supposed to last the week. Once Roxy wraps up this big reunion and her parents’ anniversary party on Saturday night, we’ll be heading back to the city again.

And then what happens?

And what do Iwantto happen?

I’m pondering the question when I arrive at the diner—just as Evan is on his way out.

“Sebastian, hey,” Evan greets me. “Or should I say, Stefano?” he laughs. “Sorry, can’t keep it straight.”

“You and me both,” I agree. We got chatting a little at the bar the other night, and like most foodies and wine-lovers, found plenty to talk about. “I’ve been exiled while Roxy and her mom do some bonding.”

“Nita said,” Evan grins.

“Let me guess, Roxy texted, begging for rescue?” I laugh.

“Bingo. You know, if you’re at a loose end, we could use the help,” Evan adds. He nods to where some other guys are loading up a couple of pick-up trucks with supplies from the hardware store. “We’re heading over to the high school to work on some stuff for the reunion.”