Page 69 of One Week Wingman

But it would have been worth it. Fuck, I would happily have pled guilty to whatever crime was on the docket if it meant I got to feel her hot mouth sliding over my cock, and see that glazed, lustful look in her eyes as she straddled me there in the moonlight.

And the way she writhed beneath me last night, urging me on with wicked moans as her parents slept just down the hall…

Well, that’s the kind of thing that makes a man believe in miracles.

There’s a sound from outside—a car door slamming—and Roxy startles. I watch her face change as she emerges from sleep, her eyes blinking open. She gives me a sleepy smile.

“Were you watching me sleep?” she asks.

“Of course not,” I tell her immediately. “I’m a very busy man. I’ve got more important things to do than to stare at you while you wake up.”

“Go do them then.” She laughs, stretching, the sheet sliding down her breasts to offer me a tantalizing glimpse of her nipples.

“What if I do this instead?” I run my index finger along the top of the sheet. I’m barely touching her, but she gasps and arches up towards my hand. Fuck. I pull her body closer, about to tip her back in bed and go another round, but Roxy slips out from under me.

“We can’t,” she says, flushing. “Everyone’s awake.”

She’s right. I can hear movement and voice downstairs, and usually, that would add to the illicit thrill, but I can see in Roxy’s expression, she’s not comfortable getting down and dirty with her parents just a few feet away.

“As you wish.” I easily leap out of bed and stretch, yawning. “Breakfast? You’ll need the fuel,” I add, playful. “Because you can bet we’re going to pick this up later. Twice.”

“How about the diner? We can sneak out the back,” she adds, with a rueful expression. “I want to make sure my mom has cooled down over last night.”

“She’ll be fine,” I reassure her. “What’s a little public nudity between friends?”

Roxy groans. “Don’t! This is still a small town,” she reminds me. “I’m guessing the group chat was burning up with gossip about us all night. You wait, by the time we get to the diner, the story will be that we fucked right there in front of everyone at the football game on the fifty-yard line!”

“I always wanted to be famous,” I tease her, trying to keep the mood light. “You think they’ll make a plaque for us? Dedicate a bench?”

Roxy swats me, but she’s finally laughing.

We get dressed and ready, and then creep down the staircase, trying not to make a sound. “Are you kind of old to be sneaking around like this?” I whisper, as she tip-toes ahead of me.


We make it all the way to the back door, before Lorna suddenly appears behind us. “There you are!”

I see Roxy brace herself, turning. “Mom…” she says, still tense from their almost-fight last night.

“We were just popping out for breakfast,” I say loudly, flashing what I hope is a disarming smile. “I’ve got a hankering for those waffles at the diner, we won’t be long!”

“You go ahead, Stefano,” Lorna says. “Roxy and I are going to spend the morning together.”


“I think our tempers got the better of us last night,” Lorna adds, softening. “Please, I’ve hardly seen you since you got back.”

“We had dinner, the day at the orchard—”

“Alone, just the two of us. You don’t mind, do you Stefano?” Lorna gives me a meaningful look, and even though Roxy is clinging to my hand, I know when I’m beat.

“Not at all,” I dip my head. “I’ll see you later,” I tell Roxy, and give her a kiss on her cheek, adding in a whisper: “Good luck!”

I stroll into town,enjoying the crisp breeze and morning sun. I recognize some familiar faces from the bar and game last night, and some people even wave and say ‘Good morning’ to me. I’m beginning to see why growing up here might have felt a little stifling for Roxy, but it’s certainly a charming place to visit.

My cellphone rings as I walk. Charlie. “Greetings from Pleasantville,” I tell him, wandering through the town square.

He chuckles. “Uh oh, what kind of trouble have you been causing?”