Sebastian studies me. “No need. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
I frown, confused. “But you want to see the game.”
“You’ve seen one episode ofFriday Night Lights, you’ve seen it all,” he says with a casual shrug. “Besides, what could be more traditionally high school than sneaking out of the big game to go makeout somewhere?”
“We’re going to do what?”
“You heard me, Ally Sheedy,” he says, tugging my scarf. “I want to see how you kids get into trouble around here.”
We pileinto Seb’s car, and he drives out of the lot. “Where to?” he asks. “This town has to have a make-out spot, as you guys put it.”
I laugh. “Seriously?” I slide my hand over and place it on his thigh. From depressed to horny in five minutes flat: This man has the amazing ability to distract me from all my emotional baggage and make everything feel better again. “We don’t need to go anywhere. The house is empty, you know. Everyone’s here at the game…”
“Nope, I want the full Ashford Falls experience,” Seb declares. “Come on, there has to be a barn somewhere, a gazebo, a picturesque bridge overlooking a babbling brook…”
I laugh. “The lake,” I admit. “Everyone would go park out there, in the woods, and get up to all kinds of things.”
“The lake it is.” Sebastian says, with a wicked grin. “Lead on, darling.”
I direct him a few miles out of town, where the country turns thickly wooded, and a dirt track leads us off the highway and into the trees. “Romantic… Or creepy,” Sebastian comments, glancing around.
I smile. “Didn’t you tell my mom you were here to protect me?” I tease.
“Not at all, I’m relying on your self-defense skills against the critters, bears, and whatever else is lurking in the woods out here.” Sebastian replies.
“Don’t worry, there are no bears lurking,” I reassure him. “Only the occasional horny teenager.”
“I reckon I can handle those.”
The trees part ahead of us, revealing the placid lakeshore, illuminated by the moon and the glow of our headlights. Sebastian pulls over and parks. “I see what you mean,” he comments. “Very romantic.”
“I wouldn’t know,” I say airily. “I was a good girl. I wouldn’t dream of parking.”
“No?” Sebastian smile turns smoldering. “I should count myself lucky you agreed to come with me.”
“Very lucky,” I agree, my heart beating faster. We haven’t had a moment alone since our trip to the vineyard, and I’ve been wondering if our night together was a one-time-only deal.
From the look in Sebastian’s eyes, it definitely wasn’t.
“So…” He leans closer. “What time’s your curfew?”
It sounds likecurr-phew.
“Are you trying to do an American accent?” I giggle.
“Sure am.” He grins and tips an imaginary hat, and I snort with laughter.
“I’m glad we’ve finally found something you’re not good at.”
“Oh yeah?” He raises an eyebrow. “That means… You think I’m good at everything else.”
I flush. “No comment. Your ego is plenty big enough.”
“And she likes my size, too.” Sebastian pretends to preen.