“Are you hungry?” Seb asks.
I shake my head.
“Sure about that?” he leans over and kisses me, a lazy ‘good morning’ kiss that makes me sigh in contentment.
“Depends what’s on the menu,” I reply with a grin.
He laughs, tipping me back suddenly so I’m pinned beneath him, and I can feel the full weight of his torso pressing against me.
The full length of him, too.
I arch up, reveling in the feel of him, and the breathless adrenalin of the kiss. I’m just about to tug the towel off entirely when—
His phone buzzes on the nightstand. Seb reaches over to check the message. “Natalia invites us to join them for breakfast,” he reports back. “Franco wants to talk.”
“That’s great!” I exclaim. “Maybe he’s finally ready to hear you out?”
Sebastian gives a casual shrug, but I can see the optimism in his eyes. “Here’s hoping.”
Natalia and Francoare having breakfast on the terrace when we join them. The crisp October sun is shining and the setting is glorious, the changing leaves bathing everything in a golden glow. The table is covered with all kinds of delicious pastries and breads, and I blush, remembering our French toast adventures in the kitchen last night.
“Good morning,” Franco says as we sit down, and even with those two words he seems warmer.
“Did you sleep well?” Natalia asks, pouring a pitcher of fresh orange juice for us. She’s wearing a big cream jumper over dark jeans and looks the epitome of casual cool.
“Like a log, thank you,” I lie. I have no idea how close they were to the guest suite, but I’m hoping my moans of ecstasy didn’t carry too far.
Franco gets to his feet, apparently already done eating. “Dad,” Natalia says, giving him a look.
He pauses, and sighs. “I was planning on harvesting one of my new varieties this morning,” Franco says reluctantly, as if under great duress. He flicks a look to Sebastian. “Would you like to join me?”
“Absolutely.” Seb springs up and grabs a croissant. “You’ll be OK here?” he checks with me. “Unless you’d like to come too.”
“I’ll leave the early-morning hike to you guys,” I reassure him, already filling my plate. “Go, have fun.”
Franco strides off, and Sebastian hurries to catch up.
“Well, that seems like progress?” I offer.
Natalia smiles. “For my father, it’s practically a proposal. He hates letting anyone around the vines. It’s hard enough hiring in the workers to help with the harvest,” she adds. “He quizzes them all so much, nobody’s willing to tolerate him.”
“It must be hard, giving up control over something you’ve built.”
She nods. “I think he’s beginning to realize that he can’t do it all alone anymore. I think Sebastian could be good for him.”
I’m starting to think Seb could be good for anyone.
“So,” Natalia continues, giving me a curious once-over as I sip my coffee. “You’re the woman who has tamed the wild Sebastian Wainwright.”
I snort. “I don’t know about that.”
He was pretty wild last night. And this morning.
“Oh, I’ve heard the stories,” Natalia says, smiling. “So when he told me he was getting serious with someone, I have to admit, I didn’t believe him. I thought he was making the whole relationship up!”
I laugh faintly, feeling guilty for the lie.
“But it’s clear the two of you are very happy together. He’s smitten,” she says with a smile.