I go, as if on autopilot. All my focus is on the few inches of contact between our bodies, burning through the cotton of my shirt. My anticipation builds, wondering if we’re about to pick up where we were heading, before my mom interrupted us.
His lips moving closer, that look of pure, stomach-spinning desire in his eyes…
But once we’re in my bedroom, Seb’s hand drops like he’s been burned. He hurls himself down on his makeshift pillow mattress and rolls to face the wall. “Night Roxy,” he says, turning out the light.
And I’m left in a puddle of desire. Relieved that he’s showing the self-control that’s escaping me, but still aching for his touch.
It’s going to be another long night.
After yet anotherrestless night spent thinking about Seb’s hands on my body, I wake with a crick in my neck and a headache from all this unwanted sexual tension.
At this rate, I’m going to have to seduce the man, just to get a decent night’s sleep.
“Coffee, sweetie?” the waitress at the diner asks, already pouring. It smells amazing, fresh and rich. “And are you ready to order? Or is your young man joining you?”
“Nope!” I declare brightly. “Just me today!”
Mainly because he’s still sleeping. I grabbed some clothes and sneaked out as soon as I woke just to avoid the sight of him looking all sleepy-eyed and hair-mussed and unbearably sexy. We’re heading to this vineyard of his today to meet the owners, but I need some time alone to clear my head.
And my hormones.
I sigh, thinking about Seb’s tongue licking crumbs off my fingers, and the way his sweatpants hang off his hips…
“Hon?” the waitress interrupts my lustful thoughts. “I’m not gettin’ any younger.”
“Sorry!” I blurt, quickly ordering a mountain of waffles and bacon. Then I gaze out the window, and wonder how, exactly, I’m going to make it through this romantic getaway of ours without giving in to all my raging desires. Not only am I playing Seb’s devoted girlfriend, but we’re staying overnight, too.
Talk about a test of willpower and rational thought. Both of which seem to disappear the minute Sebastian fixes me with that ‘come to bed’ stare…
“… Rox?”
I jolt at my name to find Jason sliding into the booth opposite me. “Oh, hey,” I blurt, startled.
“I’ve been hollering at you for ages,” he says cheerfully. He’s dressed in a casual T-shirt and jeans, his Red Sox cap jammed on backwards. “You must be a million miles away.”
I shake my head, trying to chase my lusty thoughts away. “Sorry. Distracted.”
“Everything okay?” he asks, as the waitress delivers my food.
“Fine!” I blurt. “Great. Just, you know, life.”And the impossibly sexy man sharing my sleeping space—and every waking thought.“How are you?” I ask, digging into my waffles.
“Oh, you know,” Jason shrugs. “Can’t complain. We’ve got a waiting list a mile long right now, everyone’s trying to get their construction done before the price of lumber goes up again…”
He chats away about the family business, and his plans to get out to the lake with Daisy, idly reaching to take bacon from my plate.
I knock his hand away. “Excuse me?” I ask, only part-teasing. “Get your own, buddy.”
“Shit, sorry,” he laughs, as if realizing. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”
“Well, your bacon-stealing privileges were revoked, a long time ago.” I say lightly. “Go steal Daisy’s.”
“She’s on a vegan kick,” he replies sadly. “It’s all macrobiotic this and fermented that.”
“You’ll live.”