Page 25 of One Week Wingman

“Perfectly understandable. He was the love of your life first,” Seb points out, still looking at me with an assessing expression. “Do you want him back?” he asks. “Have you been secretly pining for him all this time?”

“No!” I say firmly. “Of course not. We were kids back then. I don’t even know what kind of man he is now.”

“Then why all the tension?”

I try to think of a way to describe how off-balance this whole situation makes me, but it’s a feeling I still can’t put into words. “How would you like it if an ex of yours started dating one of your friends?” I try. “Flynn? Dash?”

“I wouldn’t mind,” Seb replies with a careless shrug. “Of course, I don’t really have any exes. Not serious ones, at least.”

I roll my eyes again. “Of course you don’t. You haven’t dated a woman for longer than a week.”

“That’s not true!” Seb protests. Then he pauses. “More like two.”

He flashes me a roguish smile, and I have to laugh. Seb’s a hopeless playboy, but then again, that’s the reason I recruited him to help me. The man has enough practice charming the pants off everyone he meets, I may as well use his superpowers while I can.

“Breakfast’s on me,” I tell him, when the check arrives. I put down some money and get up to leave. “As a thank you, for coming all this way to help me out. I really do appreciate it.”

That’s when Seb pauses, and fixes me with a wide-eyed, innocent look—that makes all my instincts buzz.Danger.

“What?” I ask, already suspicious.

“Nothing,” he says quickly, holding the diner door open for me. “Except… There might be a way for you to repay me. For my generous help.”

I shake my head, smiling. I knew it couldn’t be so simple with him. “Why am I not surprised?” I ask, as we stroll towards the square.

“It’s just a little favor,” Seb protests. “See, there’s a vineyard nearby I’d like to invest in. Only, the owners have it in their heads that I’m something of a reckless playboy, who can’t be relied upon to take things seriously.”

“Really?” I ask, amused. “I can’t imagine where they got that idea.”

“But I am serious, about this.” Sebastian drops the playful smirk. “I need to make this happen. Partnering in this vineyard would be a dream come true, I can make a success of it, I know I can. I just need them to sit down and give me a chance.”

I pause, surprised by his sincerity. He really does want this. “So where do I come in?”

“I just need you to accompany me to the vineyard—” Seb says.

“OK, I’m there.”

“—And pretend to be my girlfriend. My serious girlfriend,” Seb adds. “Since I may have already told the owner’s daughter that I’m on the verge of popping the question and settling down for good.”

I snort with laughter. “And she believed you?”

“I know, it was dumb!” Sebastian says with a groan. “But I didn’t know how else to convince her I was serious about commitment. And you’re one to judge,” he adds. “Miss, ‘Have you met the love of my life, Stefano?’ Let she without the fake boyfriend cast the first stone.”

I wince. “Good point.”

“So, how about it?” Seb asks, looking over at me. “I’ll keep this Stefano train rolling, and you’ll help me convince the vineyard that I’m the stable, serious partner they need?”

It sounds even crazier when he says it like that, but what the hell? We’re already faking love and affection here in Ashford Falls. What can it hurt to take this show on the road?

“It’s a deal,” I agree finally.

His face lights up. “You won’t regret it,” he says. “We’re having dinner with them on Wednesday. Start thinking wedding plans. And our future fake baby names!”

“Wait a minute…” I put two and two together and come up with some seriously fishy math. “You already set the meeting? No wonder you came rushing out here! It wasn’t to help me, it was to talk me into playing along with your plan!”

And there I was thinking he was being a good friend. I should have known, this is Sebastian Wainwright, after all. The man can’t put on his socks without an ulterior motive.

“You already promised!” Seb insists, holding out his hand to shake. “No backsies.”