Page 23 of One Week Wingman

“Another time then,” he grins. “I bet you’re into the really freaky stuff. Whips and leather, you’ve got the look of a dominatrix about you.”

“And what does that look like?” I’m still giggling, snuggling deeper under the covers.

“There’s a certain glint in a woman’s eye. Trust me, you enjoy making men suffer.”

“You’ll be the one suffering if you don’t let me get any sleep.”

“Ah, I’ve struck a nerve. Well, just remember, if we’re going to get nasty, I’ll need a safe word. How about… sausage—Ooff!” he sounds, as I throw a pillow in his face.

“How about you go to sleep?”

There’s a long pause, as I hear him get settled. “Seb?” I say softly in the dark.

“Yes, pookie?”

“Thanks. For coming to help me.”

“Any time.”



I don’t getmuch sleep, weirdly aware of Sebastian sprawled on the floor beside my bed. I can hear every breath, and faint snore, and it’s impossible to drift off, knowing he’s right there.

In those grey sweatpants.

Once the morning sun starts to creep in around the curtains, I give up, slip out of bed and head downstairs. My mom is already sitting at the dining table, wrapped in the cornflower blue dressing gown she’s had since I was a kid.

“You’re up early,” she says, already getting up to pour me a coffee.

“I can get that,” I tell her, pushing her gently back into her seat.

“You mean, you don’t want me polluting it with cream and sugar.”

I smile. My mom claims to be a big coffee drinker, but with all her syrups and sugar, she could open a Starbucks.

“I’m sorry about Stefano last night,” I venture, wrestling with the fancy new coffee machine. “He was… nervous to meet you and I think he got carried away.”

Mom laughs. “No need to apologize. He’s wonderful. So funny and charming. And so handsome, too. I’m not surprised you threw yourself at him.”

I wince. Thanks to Seb’s stories, the whole town is going to hear what a desperate hussy Roxanne King was, chasing down her man.

Still, at least Ihavea man to talk about. Which is more than I did yesterday.

“It means a lot to see you so happy,” my mom adds, reaching out to squeeze my hand. “After all this time, I’ve been hoping you’d meet someone special. I was worried Stefano might not be serious, the way he could never find time to meet us. But I can tell that he really cares about you, too.”

“Uh huh,” I gulp my coffee, feeling just a little guilty. Mom is getting so invested in this great romance of mine, she’s going to be heartbroken when I stage my big (fake) breakup.

“Good morning, ladies.”

Sebastian appears in the doorway, dressed down for once in dark-wash jeans and a blue cashmere sweater that really shows off his… everything. He looks well rested and full of energy, his black hair damp and tousled from the shower, his jaw freshly shaven.

Clearly, he didn’t have any problems nodding off next to a strange woman. Then again, he’s had more than enough practice in that department.

Mom leaps up to greet him. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a log. No thanks to Roxy’s snoring,” he adds.