“Oh god,” I moan. “This was a terrible idea.”
Seb drapes an arm around my shoulder and steers us back outside. “Just relax, and let Stefano take care of everything.”
“First impressions can be deceiving,” I warn him. “My parents may look warm and fuzzy, but they can hold their own.”
“Don’t worry,” Sebastian says, looking smug. “They’ll love me. Everyone does.”
We sitdown for dinner at the big table under the shade of the old oak tree. Phil has been grilling up a storm. There are steaks, and burgers, and plenty of delicious veggies, too.
“Great spread, Mrs. K,” Jason says, taking a seat beside Daisy. He’s changed for dinner, wearing clean jeans and a light button-down shirt, and looks perfectly friendly. But hearing him greet my mom the same way he did ten years ago when he was pickingmeup for dates is just plain weird.
“The potato salad is my own secret recipe,” my mom says proudly, as we all fill our plates.
“Then I’ll take a double helping,” Seb replies.
I hide a grin. My mom’s drink recipes may be delicious, but her adventures in the kitchen…? Well, let’s just say that potato salad includes three types of pickle, raw beets, and kimchi.
I watch as Seb takes an unsuspecting bite. He coughs in surprise. “Mmm, zesty!” he announces loudly, and grabs a glass of water to gulp.
“I’m so happy you were able to get away from work,” my mom tells Seb. “It all sounds absolutely fascinating. And so important.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t exactly call it important,” Seb says lightly, tucking into his steak.
“He’s just being modest,” I say quickly.
“It’s hardly a matter of life and death now, is it?” he smiles.
Mom looks confused. “But aren’t you a firefighter?”
“Volunteer firefighter!” I blurt, giving Seb a look.
“Right.” He swallows. “Yes. I just… Well, you have to sort of block out all of that, act like it’s just another day at the office. Otherwise, the fear would be too much.”
I try not to roll my eyes.
“Is it very dangerous?” Daisy asks him, eyes wide. “I’d be terrified if Jason did something like that. I went to meet him at work one day and he was up on a roof, and I couldn’t even breathe in case he fell.”
“It can be very dangerous,” Seb says. “But we’re an experienced crew and we don’t take unnecessary risks. I’m sure it’s the same for you, Jason.”
Jason doesn’t seem to hear him, distracted by Daisy snuggling into his side, stroking his burly arm. I’m trying hard not to stare at the two of them, but really, can’t they hold back the PDA?
Some of us are trying to eat.
“And your charity work takes you all over the world, I hear,” Phil says to Sebastian, pulling me back into the conversation. “Exciting stuff. You must be a bit of a globe-trotter.”
“Oh I am,” Seb says and I see his eyes twinkle. “That’s why Roxy and I are so compatible. Never a dull moment with her, is there, darling?”
My mom giggles. “That accent,” she coos. “I always love the English. You sound just like Mr. Darcy.”
Seb gives her a wink. “Well, I don’t quite have an English estate to my name, but I have taken a dip in a lake on a hot summer’s day. Although, not in a shirt, I must admit.”
Jesus. I want to kick him under the table but there are so many legs that I don’t want to get the wrong one. I settle for a glare instead. Seb just gives me an innocent look.
“How did you two meet, anyway?” Jason asks, detaching himself from Daisy.
“You know the story,” I jump in, trying to deflect, but Seb talks over me.