He laughs, greeting me with a kiss. “Believe it or not, this is all Franco’s work. Turns out, Christmas is his thing.”
Sure enough, Franco comes out of the house to welcome me, wearing a Santa hat and carrying a steaming mug of what smells like mulled wine. “Roxanne, belissima,” he kisses me on both cheeks. “You’re looking well.”
“You too,” I smile. “Loving the hat.”
“You think?” he strikes a pose. Franco has warmed all the way up, now that the partnership negotiations are all settled, and it was even his suggestion to host a big holiday party here at the vineyard to celebrate officially signing the agreement. “Now, come inside before you get cold. We have everything ready—”
“And by that, he means the wine,” Sebastian tells me, as we follow him into the lodge. “But Grace hooked me up with an amazing local caterer, so don’t worry, the food part is covered too.”
“Phew,” I joke, shrugging off my coat and scarf. “You know I get hangry if I go more than an hour without a snack.”
“Then you’ll like these…” Sebastian says, leading me to the main dining hall, which has been decorated with another holiday tree, and all the trimmings. He finds bakery box on the table and opens it for me.
“Donuts!” I exclaim happily.
“Holiday ones,” he says, looking devilish. “I seem to recall that good things happen when I feed you sugar…”
I blush. He’s not just talking about those apple cider donuts we shared in my mom’s kitchen, back that first week of our ruse. Since then, Sebastian has made a tradition of buying donuts to mark all major occasions.
Sometimes smeared in chocolate frosting.
Today, however, we’ve got company, so the nakedness will have to wait. Everyone is invited to celebrate, and my parents and Daisy are already here, chatting up a storm with Natalia and her wife by the big stone fireplace, and soon Nita and Evan arrive from Ashford Falls, bringing bags of food.
“I know you said it was all taken care of, but I couldn’t help myself,” Evan says, unloading in the kitchen.
“Umm, no need to apologize,” I insist, eying the cheese and charcuterie. “Sign me up for some of that duck terrine.”
Sebastian pops open a bottle of champagne. “Who wants a glass?” he asks, offering around.
Evan takes one, but Nita just smiles. “Not for me,” she says smugly.
Sebastian pauses. “Does this mean…?” he looks to me for confirmation, and I laugh.
“Nita?” I ask permission. She grins wider.
“I’m officially at twelve weeks. It’s safe to announce.”
“Congratulations!” Sebastian sweeps her up in a massive hug. “Wait, you knew about this and didn’t tell me?” he asks me.
I give a happy shrug. I’ve been counting down the days along with Nita, crossing my fingers it all works out. I know how much she’s wanted this, and it’s amazing they’ve come this far. “BFF circle of trust. Sorry!”
“Forgiven.” He kisses me. “Let me find the sparkling grape juice. This, we need to toast!”
We head backout to the main party and find the Mavericks crew has all arrived: Grace and Charlie, Dash, Callie, Jenn, and Austin. And Flynn and Piper, bringing up the rear, bickering loudly.
“You just couldn’t ask for directions,” Piper is complaining. “No, that would threaten your manly ego.”
“There was snow on the sign,” Flynn replies, through gritted teeth. “We made it here, didn’t we?”
“Drinks?” Seb interrupts loudly. “Let’s get you settled with a glass.” He steers Flynn away, and I intercept Piper.
“Problems?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “Just the usual, pig-headed, arrogant know-it-all thinking like he’s a God!” She grabs the nearest wine glass and gulps. “Honestly, he’s the most annoying man I know. And considering my brother’s friends, that’s really saying something.”