Page 68 of Maverick Mogul

She pauses. “A trial… Well, it just so happens that I have a birthday soirée tonight. The guest of honor wore Jane Marlowe’s Violet and Cedar perfume as her signature scent for thirty years. The perfect gift.”

“No problem,” I say, nodding confidently. Bergdorf’s is a few blocks away.

Katherine gives me a wry smile. “The perfume was abruptly discontinued five years ago.”

Right. Okay. So, this really is a test. And not an easy one. I swallow hard, but the thought elbows its way into my brain: Fake it till you make it.

“I can do it,” I announce, sounding surer than I am.

“It should go without saying,” Katherine continues, “that I do not want somethingsimilaror off-brand. The genuine article or my friend will be insulted. I’ll need it by six o’clock. Tonight.”

That’s in six hours!

I gulp, my mind tracing over various spots in the city. Katherine rises and shakes my hand. “I hope we shall be doing business together.”

I nod, making my way to the exit. The second I’m outside of her door, I run.



After finishingup with Flynn at the new location, I head to Mavericks to touch base with the rest of my staff about the progress.

I consider messaging Grace to ask how it’s going, but I don’t want to be too in her face. It was probably weird of me to ask her to my meeting, right? She stepped perfectly into that space, though, and even charmed Flynn, which is no small feat.

I smile at the memory. And the memory of that shower.

Sure, there was barely enough space to turn around in there, but who knew the detachable showerhead could be so much fun?

"Someone's in a good mood.”

I look up to find Dash regarding me with amusement.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, deflecting. “We don’t open for hours, and there aren’t any girls for you to charm.”

Dash just smirks, collapsing in a booth. “I’ve got some people meeting me here, to pitch their company. They’re just out of grad school, I figured it would be less imposing than a boardroom.”

“More tech?” I ask. Dash has quietly been making some big plays, investing in cutting edge apps and games. Not that he’d ever call himself a money guy. Even now, he gives a casual shrug, wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

He yawns. “Some AI thing. Either they’ll change the world or destroy it.” He levels me a look. “So, your cheery disposition….”

“Why shouldn’t I be cheery?”

He grins. “Yeah, but there’s Good Time Charlie cheery, andthis. Like you’re about to start whistling. Or break into a showtune.”

“Give me a break,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I’m amped up about the new bar. Nerves. Excitement. You know.”

He arches one eyebrow. “I do know Grace…”

I cough. “She’s got nothing to do with it.”


“She hasn’t!” I lie again, and luckily, a trio of serious looking women appear in the doorway, armed with laptops and pitch folders.

Dash pulls himself up. “To be continued,” he tells me, before sauntering over to his appointment.

I exhale. Close call.