Page 54 of Maverick Mogul

“Is that a no?” he asks. I swear the sight of Charlie like this, between my legs, is going to imprint in my brain. Permanent memory.

“That’s an absolute hell yes,” I tell him, laughing. As if the answer could ever be no.

But suddenly, we’re not joking around anymore. He licks against me, and I make a whimpering noise that makes him repeat the motion, again and again.

When he presses one finger into me, I moan out loud. “Fuck, yes,” I gasp, as he does a curling, beckoning motion that makes me see stars. “Charlie!”

Outside, a group of voices draw nearer, and I realize we’re one piece of canvas fabric away from the rest of the world.

“They’re going to hear you,” Charlie warns, sounding extremely pleased by the idea.

I blush at the thought, heart racing with lust and sheer reckless adrenalin. What if someone wandered in by accident, saw me like this, on my back with my fingers digging into Charlie Fox’s hair?

He slides another finger deep inside, and the words rip out of my throat. “Charlie, fuck.”

One of his hands works upward, stroking my breast over the wet fabric. I have the flash of a thought that I can’t wait to do this to him, to make him lose his mind like this. I’d probably say it out loud, but I’m past language, unable to speak. Instead, I pull his hand upward, sucking his middle finger into my mouth.

He looks up, briefly surprised as I scrape my teeth against the pad of his finger. With a wild-eyed look, he returns to my body, lapping and sucking at my clit in a frenzy until I come hard, exploding in a rush of pure, glittering pleasure.

“Oh my God,” I say, breathing hard as I float back to earth. “Well, I’m definitely thinking aboutthatin the bathtub next time.”

“Same,” Charlie says, kissing the inside of my thigh. His hair is tousled from my hands, and I honestly can’t wait another moment for more.

I prop myself up on my elbows, my heart still racing. “Take off your pants right now.”

Charlie laughs out loud. “Is that an order?” he teases. He stands to his full height, hands at his belt. His dick is straining against the fabric of his pants.

“Yes. Absolutely.” I say, already stripping my wet dress off. “Clothes. Off.Now.”

“Hear ye! Hear ye!” A voice yells from somewhere outside the tent. “The marital union begins in five minutes. Please gather post-haste!”

“Thatfuckin’guy,” Charlie mutters, pained.

I laugh, feeling crazed, and motion for him to hurry along with stripping. “We’ll be quick.”

My body is already pulling little molecules of heat toward my center, turned on even by the anticipation. But

Charlie pauses, and lets out a garbled growl-slash-sigh. “Goddammit.”

He steps away from me. “We can pick this back up later.”

For a moment, I’m sure I heard him wrong. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

He meets my eyes, and the dark intensity there pretty much takes my breath away. “Believe me, we don’t have time for what I want to do. And I’m not going to rush this, not with you.”


I flop back onto the bed with a noise of frustration.

“Well, that doesn’t help. Like, atall.”

“I know.” He collapses with me. “Fucking timing.”

“Or the lack thereof,” I quip. I drag in another breath, feeling the urgency of my lust ebb a little. “Fine. Wedding, then mind-blowing sex. But there better not be a dozen toasts,” I warn him, getting up to wiggle out of my wet dress. I towel off quickly and I reach for my costume. “We say congrats to the happy couple, grab some cake, and then we’re out of there, deal?”

“Oh, I am so there.”

When I turn, Charlie is hungrily drinking me in. I grin, shimmying a little as I pull the outfit on. “Hurry,” I remind him. “Unless you’re planning on going as ‘naked medieval guy’.”