Page 33 of Maverick Mogul

Dash raises an eyebrow. “So… ?”

I sigh. There’s really no keeping a secret from this guy. He’s the biggest gossip I know.

“Fine: I kissed her.”

That’s a misleading way to say it. Grace kissed me; I kissed her back. And while I would have gone for it about three seconds later, she beat me there… Right after she beat me at pool. And honestly? She might have beaten me at wedding reception small talk. It turns out I’m okay with second place when Grace Sommerville’s in first. “Anyway, it happened, no big deal, but now she’s probably going to bail on the rest of the weddings. Happy?”

Dash regards me for a moment. “Wait a minute…” he says, jaw dropping. “You’re actually into this girl.”

“No way,” I say vehemently.

“Yes! You might as well have a flashing sign above your head.” Dash starts to laugh. “Oh man, the guys are going to love this.”

“There’s nothing to love!” I insist. “Grace is a serious person. I mean, she’s fun. But she’s not the kind of girl who’s looking for a hookup.”

“So, don’t be a hookup.” Dash says.

“Oh, right,” I say sarcastically. “Because that turned out so great for me last time.”

“C’mon,” Dash says, groaning as he waves me off. “Don’t do that thing.”

“State an obvious fact?”

“No. The thing where you act like you’re the first guy to go through a bad break-up. You’re not even the first guy in thisroom. Shit happens.”

Well, that’s a fantastic summary of one of the most painful stretches of my life:shit happens.

“I think it’s the forbidden fruit thing,” I announce, absolutely making this up as I go along. Anything to appease Dash and close the book on this subject. “If I’m even sort of interested in a woman, I usually can just approach her, right? But Grace is off-limits. I even signed a contract saying no romantic shenanigans can happen. That’s like a challenge to my ego, right?”

Finally, Dash nods, agreeing with me. “I get that.”

“So, yeah. There’s a little pull. But no big deal.” I shrug.

Maybe if I tell myself often enough…

Dash steals a French fry. “If you say so…”

“Besides, you’re one to talk,” I add. “I don’t see you out looking for true love and commitment.”

Dash laughs. “Yeah, but I haven’t met anyone who measures up just yet.”

“Measures up to who?”

“Me, of course,” Dash beams, and I have to laugh. Some things will never change.

* * *

When I return to Mavericks,I have a visitor—Olivia is waiting at the bar with an iced coffee in one hand. “Hey, there. I was in the neighborhood. Thought I’d pop by.”

“Always nice to have a non-paying customer,” I tease, greeting her with a hug. But I know my cousin well enough to clock that she’s not here for small talk. Oliviaalwayshas an agenda. “So. To what do I owe the visit?”

She gives me an arch look. “Why do you assume I have an ulterior motive?”

“Because of… Knowing you my whole life?”

“No agenda,” she insists, sipping from her straw as if she’s being casual. “So, how are the weddings going so far?”

And there it is. Why is it all anyone wants to talk about today?