Page 52 of Stop Ghosting Me

I nod as I quickly stand up. “They stole a damn van… fucking October bonus package.”

Ford immediately switches our positions, grabbing my arm and pulling me back down as he gets up. “Sit.”

I immediately bark like a dog just to be an asshole. He narrows his eyes at me, definitely not amused.

“I have their files. I can find out where they are in ten minutes,” I remind him.

“No, you don’t. I took them from your hiding spot yesterday.”

I gasp, and now it’s my turn to glare at him as I start standing back up again.

“I mean this in the nicest way possible, butsit your ass down,Sidney, and let me handle it.”

My ass is immediately sat back down, and I have to swallow around the lump in my throat when Ford instantly looks relieved.

My phone dings with incoming texts, and I glance down at it to see two messages come through from two different people who also saw Penny and Ginger flying through town in a vehicle that isn’t theirs.

“You paying attention yet?”


Everyone around us turns and shushes me again when my head flies up from my phone after I accidentally screeched that question.

Ford just grins at me as he starts walking backward, pointing at the screen. “To the movie.”


“Try not to split your pants, big guy,” I whisper-shout to him with a cheeky smile.

“Try not to get wet. It might rain later.”

Oh, this son of a bitch….

Chapter 15


“Honestly, who wears that muchflannel?”

“What the fuckare you doing?”

The two women dressed in all black, including the black stocking caps pulled down over their blonde heads, walk right by me as I stand in the driveway.

“We’re dicking a dick. What does it look like?” Penny speaks quietly as she goes, both of them heading back to the white van parked against the curb of whoever’s house this is.

The entire front yard is filled with hotdogs on sticks, jutting up out of the grass like some kind of fucked-up corndog garden. Following them back to the van, I quickly move in front of them, blocking the double door at the rear when they go to open it. God only knows what else they’ve brought with them I’m going to have to deal with. Three years ago, I had to return seventy-five snapping turtles to the pet store that were in the trunk of their car.

“No. You’re done here.”

“Your size does not intimidate us.” Penny reaches into the front pocket of her black hoodie, pulling out a taser and crackling it to life with the push of a button. “These 50,000 volts of electricity beat muscle every time.”

“I am sad you changed out of that cheerleading uniform though. It would have been fun to watch you split your pants trying to stop us.” Ginger giggles.

They don’t need to know I split my damn pants as soon as I got in my vehicle back at the farm. Thank God I changed into that ridiculous uniform when I got there, and my jeans and flannel were still on the front seat.

Christ… this is definitely not what I want to be doing right now.

I’d much rather be pissed off and annoyed back at Diederich’s farm, than pissed off and annoyed at some poor sap’s house in the next town over. Most of FMI’s business comes from surrounding towns, considering the people in Harvest Grove know by now they will never get away with anything as long as Penny and Ginger are in business. That doesn’t mean there aren’t still clueless people who live there who find out the hard way, like Jason Huffman did this year. But most of these girls’ trouble comes from people who chase thembackto Harvest Grove. It’s best to nip this shit in the bud before that even has a chance to happen.