Page 8 of Mister Concierge

With a nod, I stood and headed to my room, muttering a quick thanks. I didn’t know where I was going to end up when we got to Memphis. All I knew was it would have to be somewhere big enough to not make me feel confined and with someone I trusted and felt safe with, so I wouldn’t feel alone.



I had only gotten two hours of sleep, but I still wanted to do as much work as I could to keep my mind busy. Saint called once he’d gotten to L.A., but I hadn’t heard anything from him or Haley about Cartier since. It was a little after four in the morning by the time I made it back home, and by six, I was up, getting ready to start my day. Between all the tossing and turning and my body being used to getting up early every day, trying to sleep was a waste of time.

My staff at the Tower was more than capable of handling things, but because I lived there, I was always on call for anything they needed. Since that rarely happened, I created a concierge position for myself that allowed me to interact with my guests to make their stay as personable as possible. When I wasn’t there, I was checking in at my store. It didn’t surprise anyone that I opened a haberdashery because I loved accessories, especially sunglasses. Very rarely was I out without a pair.

It didn’t seem to matter how busy I tried to stay, my mind was still consumed with thoughts of Cartier. I trusted her brother to take care of her, but I wouldn’t feel at ease until I heard from her myself.

After knocking on Mrs. Hampton’s door, I shifted the care kit from my right arm to my left. She and her husband were currently long-term guests while their home was being renovated, and she had come down with a cold. Typically, we sold the care kits for those who requested them, but I was going to give her one, free of charge. She tipped my team well and I didn’t mind returning the favor.

Mrs. Hampton opened the door, squeezing her nose with a piece of tissue. Her red eyes lit up at the sight of me, causing me to smile.

“Hosea! It’s go—” She turned quickly and sneezed into her arm. “Sorry, baby. It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, but I need you feeling better soon.” I extended the kit in her direction and told her, “I’m going to have room service bring you some soup and juice. How is Mr. Hampton feeling?”

“Thank you, baby. Bless you. He’s feeling alright. We typically get sick right after each other, so he’s gone to our son’s house to be safe.”

“Good. Well, if you need anything, call the front desk. Room service should be up in about fifteen minutes.”

“I will. Th—” She turned again to sneeze, and I gently closed the door so she could get back in bed.

When I pulled my phone out to call Aaliyah at the front desk, I noticed I had a missed call from Saint. I damn near broke my finger, hitting his name to call him back.

“Yo?” he answered.

“Y’all good?” I confirmed, heading toward the elevator.

Saint exhaled a hard breath into the receiver. “I need a favor.”

“Anything. What do you need?”

“Cartier is coming to Memphis for a while. I would feel more comfortable if she was staying with someone, and she doesn’t want to stay with her mom.”

My feet stopped, like that would help my brain better process his words.


“I asked her who she’d feel safest with, and she said you. So, is it cool if—”

“Bring her to me,” I interrupted him to say.

Saint chuckled. “Aight. We’ll be at you in like two hours.”

“Aight, cool.”

After disconnecting the call, I stood there for a few seconds as the weight of what he’d said settled within me. I wanted to be arrogant and say I wasn’t surprised that she’d requested me, but I was. There were several people she could have chosen, even Haley, but she chose me.

I had no idea why, and I wasn’t sure I even wanted to find out. Regardless, I was glad she was in Memphis and even happier I’d be able to keep her close. I was a protector by nature, and even if the threat was imagined or still in Cali, I was going to do everything I could to ensure Cartier felt safe.



“I’m not worried about him coming here,” Saint said to Hosea. They were standing outside of his car while I sat in the passenger seat. “In case he has eyes on her on social media, I told her not to share her location. More than anything, I just want her to feel safe. She doesn’t need to be alone right now. As soon as I can take a break in my tour…”