Page 47 of Mister Concierge

“So you don’t believe her?”

My head shook. “Not about everything, no. I believe she’s been with Gino, and I can believe he’s been abusing her. I think she was cheating before the robbery that happened a year ago and she got pregnant. I think she left because she wasn’t sure whose baby it was. Maybe she learned the grass wasn’t greener with him and came back.”

“Do you think her son is yours?”

I thought it over before answering. “I don’t think Mariah would lie to me about that, but I’m not sure. She knows I can easily get a DNA test to confirm whether he’s my child or not, so if she says he is, I believe her.”

Cartier huffed, pulling her eyes away from me. “Okay. Is there… anything else?”

“Yeah.” I cleared my throat and placed my hand on her thigh, wanting to make sure we stayed in this present moment together. “They will be staying here for a while.”

“Of course, sure. You have a lot to figure out and time to make up for with your son. I’ll be out of here in no time.”

Cartier stood, but I pulled her down onto my lap. “Did I ask you to leave?”

She chuckled. “I can’t very well stay.”

“Why not?”

She looked around. “This place is huge, but it’s not big enough for all of us. I’m in the guest room, so where are you going to put them? The playroom?”

“They can stay in the guestroom, and you’ll move in with me.” I paused to see if she’d say something right away. When she didn’t, I added, “When I confirm whether the baby is mine, I will make more permanent plans for them then. I’ll either help her get an apartment or put her in one of the suites here until she can get her own place. I’m not sure if she’s been working or has any money saved or not, but this doesn’t change anything between us.”

Her head shook as she chuckled again. “Are you sure? Because it definitely feels like things are about to change. You have a son, Hosea, and the woman you love is back in your life. Can you honestly tell me you don’t want to try to make it work with her?”

“I have too many questions for Mariah and her reemergence to even consider something romantic. Besides, I’m committed to what I’m building with you.”

Cartier’s eyes rolled slightly as she sighed. “I’m going to be in the way, Zay. I can leave, it’s really not a problem. You need to focus all of your attention on your son…”

“If you want to leave, Cartier, just say that. I know this is a lot to deal with. Hell, I still haven’t processed it myself.”

“I don’t want to leave, but I also don’t want to wait around to lose you to her.”

She stood, ignoring me as I called out for her. Instead of going after her, I decided we needed space. I wouldn’t be able to get through to her right now, anyway.



“It just sucks,” I muttered to my mom. It was crazy how her place was the first place I wanted to go this morning. When Mariah and Santino arrived, I spoke but gave Hosea distance so he could begin to bond with his son. “I was finally opening myself up to the idea of being with Hosea, and now it’s going to be over before it truly begins.”

“Why are you so sure about that?”

“He loves her.” I licked my lips as my eyes watered and I slouched down in my seat. “He’s spent the last year grieving the end of their relationship. If given the chance, I think he would make things work. Having a son by her will only deepen his love and respect for her. Hosea is a standup guy. He’s going to do whatever he can for that baby, and in the process, there’s a really good chance he’s going to remember all the things that made him fall in love with her.”

My mother didn’t reply right away. In fact, several minutes passed before she spoke. When she did, she said, “A baby might make Hosea love and respect her more, but it will not lessen the pain of her betrayal and abandonment. What he has with you is pure. He would be a fool to leave you to try to fix what is broken with her. If he does, that’s his choice, and we all have them. What I will suggest is that you not forget when it comes to the man who truly wants you, he will always choose you. Don’t worry yourself over what’s going to happen in the future. Take it one day at a time and be yourself. Don’t treat that man any differently or allow your anxiety to create the outcome you want to avoid. Continue to move in love, and that’s what will be returned to you.”

She said just what my soul needed to hear. My head hung as I nodded adamantly, allowing her words to rattle around in my mind until they settled into my heart.

* * *

When I made it back to the suite and saw that Hosea wasn’t there, I wanted to leave immediately. I loved kids and wanted to play with Santino, but I didn’t want any dealings with Mariah. Even before she made her return, I didn’t care for her. Neither did Haley. I felt like she didn’t have pure intentions with Hosea. She seemed to care more about his status and money than having his heart, and I never liked that.

I knew some women had different values and priorities, so I convinced myself that she loved and respected him, even if it was different from the way I would have done it. The way I believed he deserved. I convinced myself that Hosea knew what he wanted and what was best for him, and if that was Mariah, so be it.

Now, I liked her even less because her timing was horrible. Hosea and I were making great strides toward our forever together and here she comes with a damn baby, fucking shit up. The more I thought about it, the more irritated I became, so I went down to the lounge and see if I could work a few hours.

As I made my way into the living room, Mariah called out to me from the guest room. I turned and saw her at the doorframe. She was beautiful, I would give her that. And she had more body than me. Neither of those mattered to me. What mattered to me was her having Hosea’s heart and his child—a son at that.