Page 41 of Mister Concierge

“I do.”

Cartier giggled as I took her hand into mine. “I don’t want them to think something is going on between us, babe. Haley already swears we’re in a relationship that I’m hiding from her.”

“They already have their suspicions because of her. She told them you were staying with me.”

Cartier’s eyes rolled as she chuckled. “That girl. She’s convinced you and I are going to end up together. All she keeps saying is she can’t wait for us to be sisters in love.”

Licking the corner of my mouth, I confessed, “Maybe she knows something we don’t.”

Her eyes softened as she looked up at me. We stopped walking, turning in each other’s direction. Before she could reply, my mother opened the door and called her name.

“Come give me a hug, baby doll! It’s been so long!”

Completely forgetting me, Cartier rushed into my mother’s arms… even closing the door behind her as they walked into the house. All I could do was laugh as I headed inside. I found her, my mom, and my sister in the living room, engaging in a conversation I didn’t care to be a part of. I gave Haley and my mom a hug before looking for my father. Of course, he was in his office.

At the sight of me, he took his reading glasses off and pushed his seat back from his desk.

“What’s up, Pops?” I greeted.

“These cases.” He chuckled, standing to give me a handshake that turned into a hug.

“I bet. When are you going on vacation?”

“I won’t be able to get a break in until the judges conference in about six weeks. Other than that, I need to knock my load down as quickly as I possibly can.”

“I feel you. With the holiday season approaching, both the Tower and my store are about to get crazy busy.”

“You think you’re going to have to hire more workers for the store this year again?”

I nodded, accepting the cigar he offered. “From the looks of it, yeah. Offering the accessories subscription box last year around this time gave me repeat customers. This year, I did a twenty-five percent off discount for referrals, and the orders are rolling in already. A lot of people want custom boxes to match their suites for Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

“That’s good, son. I’m proud of you.”

“I ’preciate that,” I replied, cutting the cigar.

As the women cackled in the distance, my father shook his head. “You know she’s going to spend all day figuring out what’s going with you and Cartier, right?”

“I’m not surprised. I’m hoping she won’t, though. Cartier is unsure about a lot of things right now. I don’t want the pressure of my family wanting us to be together to make her pull away.”

His head shook as he lit his cigar. “I don’t think that’s a possibility. If she really wants to be with you, your family’s blessing will make her want you more. You know, neither Haley nor your mom cared for Mariah.”

That was true. In my right mind, that would have been an indication that something was off. That Mariah wasn’t someone I should have tried to build a future with. But what can I say? It was the first time I felt like I’d fallen in love with someone. I dove in fast and quick, hard and deep. But this with Cartier was different. We weren’t falling, we were growing… building on a foundation that was already established with our friendship. So why was I so hesitant?

I went after everything and everyone I wanted.

What was stopping me from handling Cartier the same way?



“You sure you don’t want to wait until I get there?” Saint confirmed.

I shook my head, though he couldn’t see me. “No. This is a conversation I need to have with her alone.”

“Aight, sis. Call me if you need me.”

“Okay, I love you.”