Page 22 of Mister Concierge

“Hosea,” I called faintly, heart beating at a relaxed pace, which was strange.

I expected it to beat rapidly against my chest during a moment like this. It shouldn’t have surprised me that I would feel so calm and at peace with Hosea… for everything.

“You don’t even realize what you’re asking for,” he said, more to himself than me as he stared at my lips.

“Maybe, but… I still want it. Still want you.”


“Why are you so surprised that I trust every part of me with you?”

His head tilted, eyes finally lifting to mine. “You do?”

“I do.”

“Cartier” by Muni Long played. As soon as the chorus started and she sang that she loved Cartier, Hosea and I looked around, realizing all eyes were on us. We all laughed, but I was slightly bummed because our moment was ruined. I knew there was a good chance Hosea wasn’t going to kiss me, but damnit if I wasn’t going to try.

“Cut that shit off,” Hosea demanded before licking his lips with a wide smile. His eyes returned to me as Supreme changed the song. He had always been the playful jokester, along with Damien at times. “We can pick this conversation up later.”

I nodded, but I was done talking. At this point, I wanted action.

“I want to float on my back,” I told him, surprising myself.

“You sure you ready for that?”

“Mhm,” I agreed with a nod. “I trust you.”

Hosea smiled softly, head bobbing once. As he gave me a few instructions, I tried to commit everything to memory. He took his time lowering me into the water and shifting my body so that I was lying on top of it. After a few seconds of him holding me while I was still, Hosea instructed me on how to move my arms and legs to stay afloat when necessary. The whole time, he never let me go. The whole time, my eyes shifted from the sky to his eyes. I hated the reason I had to come to Memphis so abruptly, but I was so happy to be spending my time with Hosea.

* * *

When we made it back to the Tower, Hosea went to the gym, and it tickled me. I knew he went because he was sexually frustrated. He’d been going two and three times a day since I’d been here. Even if all he did was jump rope or run on the treadmill between his lifting days, that was where he went to release that tension.

While I had the place to myself, I decide to satisfy my own lustful desires. As soon as my shower was over and I had my hair washed, blow dried, and flat ironed, I lit a few candles and cut the music on. I didn’t realize how long it had taken me until I heard the door opening and closing. Groaning under my breath, I blew my candles out, then decided against it.

Typically, after Hosea got his dick down, he stayed away from me for the rest of the day. I closed the door but didn’t bother with locking it. After climbing into the middle of the bed, I got comfortable against a pillow and the headboard.

Closing my eyes, my mind showed me images of Hosea. A small smile spread across my lips as I spread my legs. One hand massaged my pebbled nipple while the other slipped between my thighs. Sliding my middle finger between my folds, I wet it, then used it to circle my clit. Relaxing in bed, I tweaked my nipple and released a content sigh.

“Aye, Tink, you…”

“Ah!” I yelped as Hosea knocked and opened my door at the same time.

“Oh, shit. My bad.”

“Zay, getout!”

He slammed the door as embarrassment filled me. “Cartier, are you… making love to yourself?”

“Hosea, please.”

“Can I come in?”


“I was about to see if you wanted to watch the next few episodes of that Korean show. Now… I want to watch you.”

“Um…” I nibbled my cheek for a few seconds. “Yes, you can come in.”