“Hello?” Haley called, waving her hand in my face. “Who the hell you over there thinking about? Because nothing I said warranted a moan.”
“I did not moan,” I lied, chuckling nervously.
“Yes, you did. Did you decide to give Raven another chance? Or is this about my brother? In which case… ew.”
My eyes rolled as I laughed again. Just the mention of Raven’s name had my pussy drying.
“Girl, not at all. He finally called me and was on some bullshit. I called him out on the fact that he’s been on social media, trying to make it seem like he’s a caring ex-boyfriend and concerned neighbor willing to help the police in any way he can, but he wasn’t even there.”
“Did he at least say why he didn’t answer your calls?”
“Yeah, he said he felt like we needed a clean break and didn’t want to talk to me.” I laughed. “At least he was honest about that.”
“Chile, Raven is acting silly as hell, for no reason at all. But that’s how these niggas be when they start feeling pressure.”
“You think that’s what it is?” I asked. “He said it was because he wasn’t working, and I can’t imagine the stress that has him under. But that still isn’t a good excuse to me because he’s turned down positions left and right. It sounds like bullshit, and I still think he’s hiding something.”
“You still don’t know what it could be?”
“Honestly, I think he’s with someone else. It would explain the change in his mood and him abruptly asking for space. I think he asked for a break just in case things didn’t work out with her, so he would have a way back in with me. We don’t know anyone there really outside of a few people, and the people he’s cool with me don’t give off the vibe that they would let him stay with them without paying rent. I think he met someone else and he’s staying with her, and that would also explain why he wasn’t answering my calls.”
“Hmm… that makes sense. And you said he admitted to meeting someone new that made him feel better about himself.”
“Right. If I know Raven, he’s living with her and got her thinking he’s someone he’s not. She’s probably going to motivate him to get a job quicker than me because he has to work harder to impress her. I accepted his ass at his lowest. Niggas don’t appreciate that shit these days.”
“You’re right about that. He strikes me as the type to be with one woman while he’s down and another while he’s up. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was with someone else at all now that you mention that.”
All I could do was take a sip of my strawberry lemonade and shake my head. We were going out later for drinks and dancing, but I needed to get out of the house quicker than planned. That exchange with Hosea in the hallway had feelings bubbling up for him I didn’t even know were there, so Haley agreed to meet me at Not Yo Mama’s Soul Food for lunch.
“Fuck him, though,” she added quickly, making me chuckle. “We’re going to enjoy ourselves all day today. I’m going to guarantee that!”
“Yaassss, I’m just so happy to be home! The circumstance is horrible, and the visit is temporary, but…”
My phone vibrating on top of the table gained my attention.
“Shit,” I grumbled at the sight of Detective Sanders’ name. “One sec, Haley.”
Standing, I inhaled a deep breath before answering the call with, “Hello?” as I headed outside.
“Cartier Williams, please.”
“Do you have a few moments to spare? I will try to be brief.”
“Sure. Is everything okay with Ashley?”
“Honestly, it’s not looking too good. She’s still in a coma, and her parents are being asked to take her off life support and see if she’ll be able to breathe on her own. They aren’t willing to any time soon.”
“Good. Ashley’s a fighter, but she needs time to heal.”
Sanders sighed into the receiver. “You obviously care about her. Her parents told me you’ve been calling and checking on her every day.”
“Yeah. I, um… I missed yesterday, though. Started a new temporary job. That’s why I thought you were calling.”
“I’m calling because we need your help, Cartier. I understand why you don’t want to be involved. I understand the risks. But I need you to understand that without your help, the person that did this to Ashley will be free to do it to someone else.”
“Am I supposed to believe you really care?” I scoffed, placing my hand on my hip as I looked up into the cloudy sky. “That man has my license. He threatened to kill me if I spoke to you. And what did you offer me in exchange for my help? Just your assurance that I would be okay?”