“Are you into this shit?”
Hosea rubbed his hands together before crossing his arms on top of the table. “I’ve been in a few Dom/sub relationships. I enjoy bondage and restraints. When I first started learning about it, I was into the lifestyle heavily. I don’t engage as much now.”
“Were you always the Dom, or have you been a sub, too?”
As if he was surprised by my question, Hosea’s body relaxed as he smiled widely. “You’re the first woman to ever ask me that,” he admitted. “I’ve been in one mixed relationship. She enjoyed being the Dom and the sub, so I would let her take control at times. It was cool, but not my thing. I learned how to empathize with my subs more, and it was fun releasing control for a moment, but I prefer to have it.”
“Hmm,” was all I offered as I processed his words.
“Let me guess… You want to be a sub? Is that why you want to go to the club?”
“I want to be honest with you, but I don’t want this to be about us or the way you perceive me. I don’t want you to see me as your Tink right now, Zay. Okay?”
It took him quite a few seconds to respond, but when he did, it was with, “Okay. I can do that.”
Before beginning, I took a small sip of my watermelon High Noon and looked around the lounge to make sure it was still empty. Ralph was behind the bar, but he had his Air Pods in as he cleaned and restocked for the next crew.
“My energy has been off for the last few months. Having to work two jobs while Raven prioritized his pride did something to me. It shifted me more into my masculine energy than I would have liked. I enjoyed my jobs, but I didn’t enjoy having to work two jobs while my man did nothing. Then the situation with Ashley happened, and I feel even less in control of my life. My emotions. That’s why I’ve been staying here. It makes me feel like I have control of my surroundings, you know?” He nodded as I released a deep breath. “I want to feel in control of my body and all that concerns it. And I want to control when I release that control. I think having a casual relationship with a Dom would do that for me. And maybe it won’t. I don’t know. But I have to try, or I will obsess over it.” I took his hand into mine. “I want it to be you. I want you to be my Dom.”
“Cartier,” he called softly before releasing a quick bark of quiet laughter. “I’m honored that you would trust me with that but…”
He didn’t reply right away, covering my hand with his. “Mariah wanted a Dom. No strings attached sexual relationship. Then it became more. I fell in love, and she didn’t. I wanted commitment, and she left. That was her right, and I’m not blaming her for it, but I’m not trying to put myself in a position like that again. I’ve learned that sex is too sacred of a thing to me for it to be casual. I thrive with women that allow me to provide and protect. Care for and lead them. It feeds my ego in a way that makes me depend on them. That’s why I’m not a part of the lifestyle anymore. I still enjoy nasty ass sex from time to time, but I’m just… not a casual sex kind of man.” Hosea gave me a smile that made my heart skip a beat. “I don’t want to risk our friendship, Tink. I value you too much. I know I can’t stop you from pursuing this, so I won’t even try. But I just… I can’t be the one.”
“I can respect that,” I agreed, pulling my hand from between the sandwich of his. “Can I at least get your permission to go to the club?”
Hosea groaned and shook his head. “You’re trying to make a liar out of me.”
I giggled and stood, making my way between his legs. His arms wrapped around me immediately, pulling me closer. My plan had been to charm him into agreement, but between the heat of his body, the mint on his breath, and the alluring scent of his spicy, leathery cologne… I was the one about to fold.
“Say please,” he commanded.
“Please, Zay,” I almost whispered, cupping his cheek and stroking it with my thumb.
The low groan that escaped him as he bit down on his bottom lip made my pussy throb. “You’re going to make a great sub. I think you’ll have your bratty moments, but you’ll be submissive, nonetheless.”
“What do you like?”
“Not brats,” he said quickly, and we both shared a laugh. “I don’t have the patience for the back and forth, though some Doms feed off it. I love when a woman trusts me enough to do as she’s told the first time, because she knows I’m going to make it worth it.”
I wanted to tell him I trusted him enough to follow his lead, but that probably would have made this even more difficult. Instead, I told him, “I’m not giving this up until you agree.”
Dropping his arms from around my waist, I went back over to my chair to grab my things.
“I’ll see you at home,” he said as I walked away, and I had to admit I loved the sound of that.
I wasn’t expecting to see Cartier in the gym, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. She was lean and toned, and I loved that shit. Caroline had come back today with a reporter, trying to question me, and it irritated me so much, I canceled the rest of my meetings for the day. After I worked out, I figured I would try to get into a little trouble this evening. I hadn’t had sex in a few months, but having Cartier around had my dick bricking up daily. It didn’t help that she asked me to be her Dom last night.
I couldn’t resist walking over to her to help her correct her form. She was doing a weighted sumo squat, but her stance wasn’t wide enough. After spreading her out a bit more and directing her gaze straight ahead, I stepped back to check out her form again.
“Perfect,” I complimented before stretching.
“You okay?” she asked.