Page 13 of Mister Concierge

Scoffing, I looked at the phone as if I could see him. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You just got out of a situation with Ravenandyou’re a flight risk. Zay doesn’t need anything he can’t trust after what happened with ol’ girl.”

My shoulders slouched and mouth twisted to the side. Saint was right. “You’re right,” I agreed sadly. “I’m gonna let you go, though. Text me when you get to your next stop.”

“Aight, sis.”

As I disconnected the call, I spoke to Hosea with, “Hi.”

“Hey,” he replied, grabbing a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. “I’m about to go workout. Would you like to join me?”

“I did while you were at the meeting, but I’d love to workout with you tomorrow.”

He nodded, resting against the island and staring my face over with those beautiful, round eyes. They were the same brown as espresso, and I loved losing myself in his dark orbs.

“How are you feeling today?” he asked.

“I’m okay. Last night was rough, but I’ve been able to focus this morning.”

“Have you heard any news about Ashley?”

My head shook. “No good news. She’s still in the same state. What about you? Have you heard about the woman who had the accident?”

With a loaded sigh, Hosea came and sat next to me, giving me the chance to inhale an even deeper whiff of his scent.

“She didn’t make it. The restraint around her neck was just too tight. They were unable to regain a pulse.”

My eyes watered instantly, but I didn’t want to cry and make him feel worse than he already did. I wasn’t just sad for her—I was sad for her family, too. That man. I was sure he felt hella guilty. And Hosea. I could only imagine what he was feeling.

“Jesus. I’m so sorry, Zay. You’re not taking that personally, are you?”

Scratching the side of his nose, Hosea avoided my eyes. “Of course I am, but I’ll be fine. I was able to get some information from the nurses’ station, so I’ve already had my attorney start making arrangements to pay for everything for the funeral. It’s the least I can do, and I’m going to see if I can do more.”

I squeezed his arm gently. “That’s a good gesture, Hosea. I’m sure her family will appreciate it.”

He nodded. “What’s up with you, though?”

“I, um… I did want to talk to you about something, but I’m not sure now is the right time.”

“What is it?”

“Well… I want to start working again. I think my mind is less hazy day by day and I don’t want to get used to not working.”

“Okay, do you have some places in mind? You can use my car if you need to.”

“Saint’s having my Audi delivered, but that won’t be needed if you let me work here.”

“Work here where?” he asked skeptically, making me laugh.

“At the lounge! I was great at his bar. The customers loved me.”

“Sure, if that’s what you want. You don’t want to put your degree to use?”

My head shook adamantly. “Not right now. I can’t help anyone with their problems until I work through my own.”

“I feel you. Well, yes. You can work at the lounge and start whenever you’d like. I’ll need to link you with Ava, the manager down there, but you’re good to go.”

I couldn’t resist hugging his neck as I thanked him. When I pulled away, I said, “There’s another thing, too.” I nibbled my cheek for a moment because I knew he was going to say no. If I felt like I could sneak into the club, I wouldn’t even bring it up, but with everything that had recently happened, the chances of that would be slim. Figuring I’d need to open him up a bit first, I asked, “Why’d you open the sex club?” He gave me a lazy smile that made me squeeze my thighs together. “Your father is a prolific judge, and your mom is a pastor. She has thousands of members in her church. Was it a rebellion?”