Page 44 of Mister Concierge

There was no rush, though I ached to have him inside of me. We ended up kissing and caressing each other as we laid on our sides, for I don’t know how long. Eventually, he lifted my leg and slipped inside of me… looking deeply into my eyes as he made slow, passionate love to me.

Turning me onto my back, Hosea wrapped my legs around him and connected our lips.

There was knocking on the door, but he continued to stroke me as if he hadn’t heard a thing.

“What if it’s important?” I asked.

“It can wait. Nothing is more important to me than you right now.”

His declaration took my pleasure to a deeper level. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him back down to my lips, kissing him as if my life depended on it while we both ignored the incessant knocks.

Back arching, I gasped for air as my pussy opened wider and let him in deeper. He circled his hips and moaned as he buried his face in my neck.

“Keep going,” I begged… as if he would stop. “Please don’t stop, baby.” My body shivered underneath him. “You feel… so… good.”

Hosea moaned, lifting his head, but his eyes were closed. “God. I love this pussy,” he confessed through trembling lips before inhaling a deep breath. “You’re the best I’ve ever had, Tink,” he opened his eyes to say. “In all ways.”

I smiled and tried to cover my face as my eyes watered. We’d done what felt like everything together. I’m not sure why him saying that right now felt even more intimate to me. Hosea lowered my hands and held them as he continued to stroke me until we came together. Typically, we’d go for rounds, but I think whoever was at the door was in the back of both of our minds.

He kissed my forehead, then my nose. Last, my lips.

I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. Didn’t want to scare him away. But I was sure he felt it. Felt in the way I surrendered to him. Trusted his lead. The way I looked at him. Talked to him. Tried to cater to him when he would let me. The way my pussy came for him. Each time, it was like my heart came to him straight out of my pussy and tied my soul even tighter to his. So tight, each time we disconnected, I felt like another piece of me became his.

We separated from one another, and my body ached for the connection of him instantly. Still, I prepared to make my way to the guest bathroom to shower, but Hosea grabbed my hand and led me into his. I can’t say who made the first move once we were under the water, but eventually, he had me pressed against the wall as he made love to me from behind. Our release was quick, yet just as pleasurable before we washed our bodies and stepped out. Once we were dressed, I headed to my room while Hosea went to the door to retrieve the note that had been slid under it.

I heard him curse under his breath before heavy footsteps against carpet led him to me.

“What is it?” I asked, turning on the TV.

“This note says Mariah is downstairs asking for me. Aaliyah said she called me, but I didn’t answer, so they came up.”

“Mariah?” I repeated, sitting on the bed. He nodded. “You should call down and see if she’s still there. Or if she left a number or something.”

“Yeah,” he replied absently, staring at the note.

“Zay,” I called as I stood and walked over to him. I couldn’t imagine how shocking this was and how difficult it would be for him to process it. “Call down and see if she’s still down there.”


Turning his back to me, Hosea went to make that call. I took deep breaths, assuring myself that everything would be okay. That the moment we’d just shared was monumental. That nothing, not even the return of the woman who had stolen and broken Hosea’s heart, would change that. After a few minutes, he came back to my room and said, “She’s… still down there.”

“Oh. Okay. So you should go talk to her. It has to be important for her to just pop up, right?”

Hosea scratched the side of his nose and nodded, staring out into the distance. He turned to leave, turning back to say, “I’ll uh… I’ll be back.”

“Okay. I’m uh… here if you need me,” I said as he disappeared, but something told me this was one situation Hosea would have to handle alone.



A range of emotions flashed through me at the sight of Mariah. At first, I was relieved. She was alive and well. Then, I felt nostalgic. Mariah looked exactly the same. I became angry thinking about the past year and how she left. The closer I got, I was filled with concern. Even with her shades on, I could see bruises on her face. Mariah removed the shades, and her beautiful light eyes were purple and swollen. She hung her head briefly as tears fell from them.

“Who did this to you?” I asked, tilting her head to look her face over.


“Gino?” I repeated, louder than I’d planned to. “You’ve been with him all this time?”