“A long time? Since you were in Cherry Hill?”

I remember Garrison mentioning that Anthony and Emily were the only two counselors who were actually from the area. The others came in from other areas where they were on summer break from college.

“No. I meant camp. I used to go to camp every summer when I was a kid in North Carolina. It sounded like a fun thing to be able to revisit and get paid for it,” he explains. “And because of the controversy, they were paying really well. Miranda doesn’t know, so don’t mention it to her, but I was planning on getting her a ring after camp. I’ve been saving for a while and this pay would get me up to what Ineed.”

“Congratulations,” I say. “I hope this doesn’t make you change yourplans.”

“It won’t. We’ll get through this and then we’ll have our lives together the way they shouldbe.”

We get back to the floor where Miranda’s room is located and find Garrison still standing right outside.

“Anything?” Iask.

“The doctors say she’s doing well. They don’t think it’s a good idea to question her right now. They want to give her a chance to rest and then we can talk to her in themorning.”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Igroan.

He shrugs. “Itried.”

“Can I go in?” Holdenasks.

“Sure. She was asking foryou.”

I hand Garrison his lunch and drink and follow Holden.

“I’m going to check on her,” I announce. I might not be able to have a full interview with her, but at least I can make sure she’s doing alright and lay the groundwork for furthering the investigation.

If she can corroborate what Lisa said or give me any indication of how the night went, we could finish this.

Miranda is sitting up in her bed when we open the door. She looks a little woozy and I’m sure she’s under the influence of a gentle sedative, something softer than what they gave Lisa the night she was picked up, but enough to take the edge off and help her rest. Her eyes light up when she sees Holden. He drops his food onto a chair, sets his drink on the floor, and rushes over to her. He leans down to hug her, almost instantly pulling back and looking down at her with worry in hiseyes.

“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” he asks.

She shakes her head. “No. I’m fine. It didn’t hurt thatmuch.”

Her eyes slide over to me and he catches it. Taking her hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss, he gestures over to me.

“This is Agent Griffin. She’s helping with the investigation. She’s with the FBI,” heexplains.

Her eyes snap back to him, then drift back over to me. She looks uncertain, like she’s ready to disappear into the bed. I don’t step any closer.

“I’m not in here to question you or anything. I just wanted to say hello and see how you’re doing,” Isay.

“I’m alright,” she says.

“Good. We’re really glad to find you. I’m going to go and leave you with Holden. Get some rest and I’ll be back in the morning to talk to you, okay?”


“Thanks, Agent Griffin,” Holden says.

I walk out of the room and almost instantly walk into Sam’schest.

“What are you doing here?” Iask.

“I went to the police station looking for you and they said you were at the hospital,” he says. “I was afraid something happened toyou.”

I shake my head. “No. No, I’m fine. They found MirandaHughes.”