I think about finishing up, getting out of the shower but I realize I didn’t see any towels and I have no clean or dry clothes either. I growl in frustration, shrugging in resignation that I’m stuck in the shower, at least until Michael comes back, which will be while the bathroom’s all steamy still, I tell myself.
Today is like a dream, and it’s one I hope I don’t wake up from. Not without Michael still in it anyway.
Chapter Fourteen
I don’t want to panic Zoe, but as soon as she mentions those investors, I feel a jolt of panic myself. I’ve just given her the trust speech, but now I’m worried I might have put us in danger, including all those passengers. This weather’s off the charts and wasn’t on any forecast I checked.
Shawn and the team, they’re pro’s, but sometimes shit just happens and this is one of those times.
Part of me wants to rush back, over to the other side of the island and check on everyone, and the other part of me wants to stay right here, in the beach house with Zoe. Weather and people be damned.
Stepping outside, I inhale sharply as ice cold rain, coming in sideways stings my whole body. This is no ordinary storm.
I look for a generator, knowing these places have one each, but can’t see anything.
I should really check in with Shawn, at least let him know I-
Ah shit!
My comms earpiece, my radio… the boat on the beach…
It all hits me harder than the rain or the freezing wind. I’m still so warm inside, so proud and pleased I’ve claimed Zoe, that she’s mine, I totally forgot everything else.
I’m surprised I’ve remembered to breathe since that feeling of coming inside her, god damn, if she isn’t the finest woman on earth.
I’ve gotta chance it. I know Zoe’s safe inside for now in the shower. Wincing as I look up, the sky answers with another huge flash of splintering light and a crack of thunder that makes my bones buzz, but I sprint out into it all anyway, up to the highest dune we came over, so I can check on…
The boat…
Tides, Michael. Tides.
It’s gone. And so is the little beach I landed it on. Way out in the distance. I spot a familiar shape on the horizon, the yacht.
Shawn must’ve got a weather warning, or maybe just has more sense than me. I hope they all got out before the worst hit, this weather seems to be right on top of the island, moving away from the yacht, so safe passengers.
Here’s to hoping…
I scramble down to where Zoe and I were, realizing quickly that it too is awash with sea and rainwater. Even if I could find my earpiece, it’d be useless.
On the plus side, I get my wish. Staying here with Zoe… Nothing else for it now, we’re stuck here.
Huffing it back to the house, looking up, I can see nothing but black in the sky coming from the opposite direction.
I hope Zoe’s still got that shower running. Parker Global can send me the bill for housekeeping.
Muddy carpet’s the last thing on my mind as I close the door behind me, feeling better straight away as I hear the water still running from down the hall.
The linen closet in the hall is fully stocked, and I’m impressed. Parker Global really has made this look like a home for prospective buyers, which suits me just fine right about now.
Armed with two fluffy white robes and an armful of equally fluffy towels, I make my way into the bathroom.
“Room for one more?” I ask, hearing my teeth chattering as I peel the saturated clothes from my body.
“Zoe?” I ask again, I can see her shape in the steam but she’s not saying anything.
“Uhhh… I’ll be done in a minute.” She says, sounding nervous.
There’s no screen on the shower, but I move close enough to see her, she’s trying to cover herself as she turns away from me.
“Zoe? What’s the matter, what’s gotten into you? Is it the storm? We’re totally safe in here.”
“I just don’t want you to see me in here… that’s all” she says, sounding upset suddenly.
“Zoe?” I hear myself in a commanding tone. “I’m coming in there. I’m freezing. I don’t care if I see you naked.”
“Well I do!” She calls back, with anger in her voice.
I breathe out through my nose, my mouth all bunched up from frustration.
What did I do? What didn’t I do?
My history with women is not a recent or lengthy one, but I know people. Something’s bugging Zoe. Something’s set her off and put her on the defense.
“I’m really cold, Zoe…” I remind her.
“I have towels and robes. They have robes here, how cool is that?”
Her hand shoots out of the steam, making a grabbing motion.