Page 25 of The Hot Mess

It was getting harder not to scream as he pounded into me, over and over again. He tightened his grip on my mouth and used his other hand to massage my clit. That was it. I was done for.

I tightened my legs around him and clenched up, shaking from the current of pleasure that ripped through me, leaving me spent. He exploded into me, growling as his thrusts faded into a gentle pulse until there was nothing left inside of him. I greedily took in every last drop.

“Unbelievable,” he mouthed to himself, staring down at the remnants of what we had done.

“I wasn’t exactly expecting this either,” I admitted. That was an understatement. I wouldn’t have imagined him showing up and doing that in a million years.

“No, I mean…” He stopped and pulled back, taking my hand and wrapping it around his thick cock. He was still throbbing hard, and I could tell by the way his eyes rolled back with eager pumps into my hand that he was far from finished.

“Good thing we’re the last ones around tonight,” I grinned, flipping over on my desk.

I arched my back and angled myself towards him, waiting for him to take me from behind for round two. I wanted to do it all with him, even if it was right there in my office. That only made it hotter, no matter how wrong it was.



Iwoke up, feeling like I had been hit by a train. A super hot and sexy forbidden fruit kind of train that hurt in all the best possible ways. I opened my eyes and instantly saw the culprit. Jada was laying across me on the floor of her office with random pieces of clothes draped over us. Flashes of the hours leading up to us passing out started popping into my head, miraculously making me hard all over again.

I was so close to starting it all up with her again—giving her more of this new drug neither of us seemed to be able to get enough of. But then I noticed the sunlight streaming in through the windows. I jumped at the sound of footsteps and voices outside the door.

“Shit. Jada. Wake up,” I groaned, rolling out from under her. “We fell asleep. It’s morning time. There are people coming.”

“What?” she croaked, looking around us in confusion. “Oh.” Her sleepy head laid back down for a split second before shooting up again in alarm. “Oh! Crap!”

She jumped up and started snatching her clothes from the floor, scrambling to get dressed and make herself presentable again—like she hadn’t just been rolling around in that room with my naked body all night.

I was less panicked until I heard a specific set of the footsteps outside heading straight for her door. In my rush to shut it the night before, I had forgotten to lock it. I had two choices. I could race over to lock it then, which would have been suspicious to whoever was about to try and turn the handle. Or I could focus on doing what Jada was doing—getting dressed and hiding the evidence.

We had barely finished buttoning up our clothes when the door flew open. Beverly caught us standing there like deer in headlights, both fully clothed but obviously disheveled and freshly fucked.

“Oh!” Her brow furrowed as she looked us over. “Ms. Meadows. Mr. Landson. Good morning.”

“Yes, what is it, Beverly?” Jada huffed.

“Just a reminder about the morning meeting,” she smiled, her eyes full of suspicion. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ll let you two get back to…”

“Discussing the campaign launch on the website,” I clarified for her, lying through my teeth. Technically, we had been discussing it…before it unraveled into our animalistic romp.

“That’s right,” Jada nodded. “Thanks, Bev. Anything else?”

“Nope.” She shook her head, smirking.

We both exhaled when she finally shut the door. Our eyes met with a shared terror, but we couldn’t stop ourselves from bursting into laughter.

“You’re not even wearing shoes.” Jada pointed, snickering. “I’m sure we were really convincing.”

My laughter faded. “Seriously, Jada. What if she starts blabbing about this to everyone?”

“They’ll have no real proof,” she assured me. “And even if there’s gossip, I’ll deny everything. Don’t worry. It’s not like one of my siblings barged in on us.”

No, but they could have, I thought.

“I’m sorry,” I offered. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Coming in here and starting all of this.”

“I know what you were thinking,” she grinned, coming over to straighten the mismatched buttons on my shirt. “I was thinking the same thing. We didn’t get enough the first time.”

“Do you think we’ve satiated the craving this time?”