“I learned a lot,” she answered tightly. “So, what do you need from me? A confessional about my experience creating an online dating profile or something?”
“Eventually, yes. First, I just want to learn more about you and your dating history. We’ve covered why you’re signing up for Heartstring. But mostly, I just want to know who you are as a person, so our readers will be more invested in your story. Then they’ll be more inclined to follow your journey with online dating.”
“Very well,” she sighed like some kind of royal queen. “Proceed with your questions.”
I carried on, as she requested. Isabella was reserved, but in a mysterious kind of way that always left me wanting more. She always gave away just enough to keep you on the hook, but left me with more questions than answers. I had always heard that mystery made a woman more desirable, even though I had never mastered the art of it myself. I was good at disappearing into the background, but not in a way that left anyone looking for me.
The longer we talked, the more I started to think Isabella was the key to this transformation in my life. I wanted to be more like her…to be alluring and captivating. The only thing she was lacking was being “down to earth” or “approachable,” but watching her…I was beginning to realize those were the exact qualities I wanted to rid myself of.
By the time we finished, I was determined to find some way to be friends with her. Maybe then some of her charm and sex appeal would have a chance to rub off on me.
“Let me give you my card,” I said, digging through my bag. “That way I can reach you for the next interview. Or you can feel free to reach out to me if you have any more thoughts you want to share…or if you ever just want to grab a drink or something.”
“Are you hitting on me?” she grinned, looking at my card.
“Oh, god, no! So sorry if I…No, I’m not…I…”
“You don’t swing that way?”
“No, I’m afraid not,” I blushed.
“I don’t either. I was just teasing, Jada. I’m surprised Jack’s dry sense of humor hasn’t rubbed off on you after knowing him so long. We’re both big fans of sarcasm and dark humor.”
“Noted.” I tipped my pen in the air. “I just meant that…Well, it was nice talking to you today. And to be honest, I’m in need of more inspiring women in my life aside from my sister. You’d be doing me a favor to let me hang around sometime…Oh god. That sounds pathetic, doesn’t it?”
“You’re cute,” she smiled, saying it like I was a lost puppy or a small scared child. “I’ll give you a call sometime, Jada. Otherwise, I guess I’ll check out this website of yours and report back for our next chat.”
Ihesitated outside of the restaurant, wondering if it was too much to go in without her and get a table. I showed up early to deliberate on that very thing. I had already made a point to tell Jada we’d meet there, as opposed to me picking her up. Another line in the sand between a date and a friendly dinner.
But I was at odds with myself. For something so platonic, I was overthinking every little detail. I worried about being rude by going in without her, but adjusting my hair and tie in the reflection of the window to make sure I looked my best.
I was so worried about making it clear to her that this wasn’t a date, but apparently there was some part of me that needed reminding this wasn’t romantic in any way.
What was I even thinking, offering to give her tips anyway? What the hell did I know about interviewing people? Sure, I could ask the right questions to suss out the results a client was expecting through my consultations. But beyond that, I didn’t have any special knowledge about interviewing people. Which only brought more suspicion on to my own motives for this dinner.
“Jack, hey,” I heard Jada’s voice behind me.
I spun around, feeling a little embarrassed that I had been caught in my own hesitation outside the restaurant door. And things only got worse from there.
Jada was wearing a short, tight, floral dress that hugged curves I never knew she had. Her bobbed hair was styled perfectly, even as she brushed one side of it behind her ear, giving a better view of that adorable smile of hers. She was precious and sultry all at once.
“Hey,” I gawked. “You…you look amazing, yet again.”
Dammit.That was definitely not a platonic greeting before dinner.
I raced over to the door to open it for her, ushering her inside. I needed food and alcohol to distract me from my own weirdness. I didn’t know what was coming over me.
We were shown to our table, and I hated the candle burning in the center. The dim lighting all around us and the soft jazz playing in the background…I should have picked a less romantic spot, but I couldn’t recall ever planning a platonic dinner with a woman. There were usually only three things that landed me in a restaurant…business, sex, or visiting with my sister. I didn’t worry about the ambience for the first and last of those.
“Can I interest you in a bottle of our Dom Perignon this evening, sir? We have a very fine year available and…”
“None for me,” I blurted, prompting a strange look from Jada. “But by all means, if you’d like a glass…it’s my treat.”
“You’re not drinking?”