“I have an idea,” I blurted, ripping it off fast like a band-aid. Everyone turned towards me, staring. I swallowed hard and tried again to remember how to speak. It was too late to go back now.
“Let’s hear it,” Jack nodded encouragingly.
“We’ve done features on couples before, but…we’ve never really gone in depth with couples successfully matched through our site. Or the eligible singles for that matter.” I sucked in a breath and tried to keep going, hoping the tremor in my voice wasn’t as obvious to everyone else as it was to me.
“I was thinking interviews. Questions that really dig deep into these people’s lives and give our audience more than just a pretty picture and a tagline. You know, to show that they are real people with real lives, just like the rest of our customers.”
“Interviews. For couples that met through our site as well as the current members who are still searching for someone?” he asked, considering it carefully.
“Yes, exactly. They could be featured on our website and newsletter, but we could even put out a special edition magazine or catalog of some kind. We’ve never branched out into print advertising like that before.”
“I like it,” he admitted, his eyes sparking with potential. “Who would be in charge of an operation like this?”
“Victoria handled it when we did something similar before,” Lucas replied. “But she’s swamped right now. I doubt I could convince her to take this on.”
The room grew busy with several people either throwing their hat in the ring or suggesting someone else. My heart was pounding. I knew I wanted to do it myself. But that was never going to happen if I didn’t just come out with it. Why did no one else suggest I lead the project?
“I’d like to…” I tried to announce, but my voice was lost under the chatter of the room.
“Jada. What was that?” Jack asked, trying to quiet everyone down.
Once again, I was on the spot. “I’d like to be in charge of this one,” I shot back again, trying to get it out before I could chicken out.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” H e grinned. “I have someone in mind for you to interview as well. I’ll send the contact info over to you.”
A huge smile spread across my lips. “That would be great. Thanks, Jack.”
What remained of the meeting was lost in my dreamy daze. I was mentally excited for this new role of mine, and physically excited by the pheromones that seemed to seep from Jack’s every word and movement, rendering me completely transfixed.
I barely noticed when things ended and everyone started gathering their things to leave. At least I knew I was getting closer to my opportunity to privately freak out. I had done it. I spoke up, and now I was in charge of a whole brand new project for the company. One that Jack seemed pretty impressed with. The pride swelled up inside of me, making it hard to hide my smile. Once everyone was gone, I could erupt into a shameless happy dance.
But my sister Camille seemed hell-bent on keeping that very thing from happening. I felt her eyes burn into me while everyone else filed out of the room, including Lucas and Jack. She paid close attention when Jack stopped on his way out, grazing my shoulder.
“Good work today, Jada. I look forward to seeing how it all comes out.”
I felt like I had been zapped with an electric current that ran straight from his fingertips through my entire body, but Camille’s scrutinizing gaze kept me from showing just how giddy it made me. I hoped she’d leave with the rest of them, but next thing I knew it was just the two of us hanging behind.
“You were in rare form today,” she commented, crossing her arms. “I can’t remember the last time I saw you coming out of your shell like that.”
“I’m trying to make some changes in my life.” I shrugged. “So you should get used to seeing that kind of thing from me.”
“And what brought all of this on?”
“I need a reason to work on myself and change some things around? I’ve just been growing stagnant, like Jack said about the company. I need some fresh air in my life.”
“Uh-huh.” She picked up her briefcase and headed for the door, stopping near me just like Jack had done. “I hope Jack isn’t what you have in mind for your dose of fresh air. Guys like that seem like they can do no wrong, until they screw you over.”
“Speaking from experience? I didn’t realize you and Jack had a thing.”
“We haven’t,” she defended. “But I know his type. And we both know how he is. We’ve seen him cycle through women since we were teens. They’re like accessories to him. He just picks whichever one best goes with the suit he’s wearing that day.”
“I’ve never paid much attention to Jack in that way,” I lied, knowing Camille could see straight through it.
“Good. Keep it that way,” she said firmly. “I heard he might be coming on here permanently. And if he does, you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot by messing around with him. Not to mention, Lucas and Joshua would kill him. Aaaand of course you don’t want to worry that your first big project here only went off because you were…”
“Alright, alright. I get it,” I huffed, breaking into laughter. “Really, Camille. Don’t waste your breath. Men like that don’t look twice at women like me. Jack is way out of my league. I’m more concerned with getting more responsibility in the company. Can’t you just be happy for me and my new project?”
“I am happy for you,” she smiled tightly, wrapping her hand around my arm. “Just be careful is all I’m saying. Don’t let anyone ruin it for you.”