Page 36 of The Hot Mess

“Andyoudon’t know him likeIdo,” I shot back. “Tell me what’s going on. I know he wouldn’t have taken off without talking to me. Did you do something, Lucas? Did you run him off?”

He forced a smile. “I would now like to dismiss all non-family members from the room, as it seems we have other things to discuss.”

“Why did you give me this promotion?” I demanded, not bothering to wait for everyone to leave. “Was it supposed to be some kind of consolation prize after you chased Jack away?”

“Jada, calm down,” he begged, looking pissed.

“No, I’m not going to calm down. I’m leaving. I can’t stand to be in here a moment longer with all these secret dealings going around behind my back. You didn’t even ask me about the promotion before announcing it to everyone! I’ll be at home. If anyone decides to tell me what’s really happening here, you know where I live.”

I nodded to Victoria on my way out. Lucas and Joshua seemed shocked by my behavior and were tossing around questions and theories. Just before I got out of ear shot, I heard her tell them, “Uh…guys? I think there’s something you should know about Jada…and Jack.”



For all the times I had traveled to tropical locations, I had spent very little of my time in those places enjoying the simpler pleasures of the beach. But I was in a strange mood that inspired me to change into my linen pants, slip off my shoes, and take a long walk along the edge of the water.

Something about the ocean inspired deep thought, especially when you were taking it in alone. I stared off across the waves and reflected on everything that had just happened in New York. Maybe it was better that I left when I did, and that I had no plans of ever going back. Maybe Lucas and Joshua had done me a favor.

After a long walk, I went back to my room to shower and change into a fresh suit for an early dinner meeting. I had been called in to do some consulting for a new start-up. It wasn’t that interesting of an idea, and it was easy work. Easier than I typically liked, because there was no challenge or problem-solving on my end. I knew the stuff they needed like the back of my hand. The good news was it gave me plenty of time to decompress.

After the meeting, several of the guys invited me to a club with them. They ogled all the girls there that night, each one dressed in a shorter, tighter dress than the one before. They were all young and pretty enough to be models, and they were allveryinterested in the rich businessmen from out of town.

They made no effort to hide their attraction either. The guys were lined up at the bar, and as the women walked past they each looked us up and down with their best “come fuck me” expressions.

A girl at the end of the line smiled at me. I smiled back just to be polite, but I shouldn’t have. Because it made her walk right up to me and introduce herself.

“I’m Katalina,” she said, batting her lashes.

“Hope you’re having a good night, Katalina.”

“It’d be a lot better if you’d buy me a drink,” she smiled.

I laughed, because as I looked her up and down, I knew I had no business refusing a woman like that. She was hot as hell with a perfect body, and her body language left no room for mistaking what might happen if I bought her a drink. She made it obvious we’d spend the night together.

“I think I’m done for the night,” I told her. “But let me introduce you to a friend of mine.”

I set Katalina up with one of the other guys and headed back to my room. I so desperately needed about five more drinks, but I didn’t want to be around anyone. Especially women. Every single one that hit on me was just a stinging reminder of who I left behind.Jada.

The next morning, I blew everyone away with a big presentation. They were all begging me to come on full time, but I told them I had business elsewhere. And I did. I was taking every gig I was offered, spanning from one end of the world to the other. I planned to spend the rest of my life seeing every place I could, making more money than me or my sister would ever need. I had my window to settle down, and it blew up in my face. That’s what I got for being so hesitant about the job offer, and about Jada.

Once again, everyone wanted to take me out that evening to celebrate. But I opted for a solo party in my room. I tore into the mini bar and downed as many as I could stand, trying to drown my sorrows. I ordered room service, opened another bottle, and flipped on the television. Some party animal I was.

I woke up the next morning with a hell of a hangover, the remote still in my hand and the TV still blaring. I had slept through the noise all night. I flipped it off and reached for some aspirin and water before ordering breakfast.

In nothing but a robe, undershirt, and boxers, I decided to wait for my food out on the balcony. The rhythmic waves in the distance were a horrible reminder of the state I was in. It was like with each one crashing in on the shore, I heard the reminder…You loved her and you lost her.With each wave, each beat of my heart, I was still without her. My chest filled with a lump that made it hard to breathe without crying. I hadn’t cried since my mother died, and I wasn't about to give into the urge then. Thankfully, I didn’t have to.

Just over the railing of the balcony, a car pulling into park caught my attention. I soon realized why. I watched as Joshua and Lucas got out of the front seats and marched towards the front of my hotel.

What the hell are they doing here? It’s not enough that they ran me out of the city, away from their sister, who I was in love with, and my own sister. Away from the job they offered. Now on top of it all, they’ve come to…what? Rub it in?

A knock came to my door a few minutes later. I answered to see Lucas, Joshua, and the room service staff all standing there in a row. I wished I could pick and choose which ones I let in, taking room service and dismissing the rest.

“This is a surprise,” I said as I tipped the guy who rolled in my cart of food.

Lucas looked me up and down, and I knew what he was seeing. My shabby robe and boxers with slippers. The stubble on my face. My messy hair, and no doubt my odor. I was in desperate need of a shower.

“You look like shit,” he concluded.