“What did you do this time?” I teased.
“It’s good news for once. Can you make it?”
I considered the trunk full of luggage and the inevitable jet lag that would be setting in soon. But then I considered the thrill I got from being presented with a problem and knowing how to solve it. That’s what I did for a living, after all. So of course when Lucas and his siblings needed to earn back the fortune their father wasted away up until his death, and doing so involved an idea to launch their own company, I was the first one they called. I would have helped regardless, since I had been a family friend for so long, but it certainly helped that I was one of the most coveted advisors in the business world.
I told the driver to take me by the Heartstring headquarters before taking me home, and within the hour I found myself walking into Lucas’s office once again.
“Thanks for coming,” he said, shaking my hand before we sat down. “There’s a reason it was so urgent.”
“You promised good news,” I reminded him.
“And it is! I take it you’ve seen the latest numbers?”
“I haven’t had time to catch up on things around here, but judging by the smile on your face, they must be good.”
“Very good,” he nodded. “Good enough that I’d like to extend an offer to you. To come on with us full time.”
“No way you can afford me,” I chuckled. And I wasn’t just being cocky. I was paid more as a consultant, plus all the free travel, than Lucas could ever afford.
“Executive Vice President,” he announced, full of pride.
He looked so happy and sure of himself, like he just knew it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. But he was wrong. I was very good at refusing all sorts of offers. And the idea of taking a pay cut to be permanently trapped in one city at the same job every day wasn’t as appealing to me as he seemed to think it would be.
“What’s wrong?” He frowned, picking up on my tension. “I knew there would be some things to negotiate. I just thought…with everything that happened last year…you might want to be closer to home. You know, to settle down and put in roots for a while.”
I cringed to remember the rough times from the year before, as if I was ever able to forget for very long. My sister and I were officially orphaned adults. Our dad dying when we were teens only made it harder to lose our mom so suddenly. I thought losing a parent once you were grown would be easier than when you were young. But it wasn’t.
“Thanks for thinking of me,” I told Lucas before pausing to consider it. He wasn’t wrong. It would be good for my sister to have me around more, and it wasn't like I hadn’t thought of settling down at some point.
“President,” I added as a demand.
His face dropped with a heavy sigh. “I was going to offer Joshua the role of president.”
“I wouldn’t plan on retiring at Heartstring,” I assured him. “Joshua could always fill my shoes when I move on.”
He shook his head. “I guess it wouldn’t be such a hard change to make. I hadn’t talked to Joshua about it yet. Alright, fine, Jack. You drive a hard bargain.”
“Oh, I haven’t even started driving the bargain yet,” I grinned, writing a number down on a slip of paper before sliding it across his desk.
He picked it up slowly and winced just before opening it to read my salary demand. He blew out a long breath, but seemed on board once it had time to fully sink in.
“Okay. Again…Not easy or ideal. But…doable. And I really want you working with us. So, we’ll make it happen. Please tell me that’s as hard as the bargain gets.”
“I’m not saying yes just yet,” I added. “I’d need some more time to think about it. But no use wasting my time in doing that if you can’t provide what I’d require.”
“No more demands?” he quipped. “A new car? A private jet?”
“Now that you mention it…”
“Enough,” he barked playfully. “Now, I did consider your living arrangements. I know you’d need a bigger apartment if you’d be staying here full time. I’ve already got my assistant scheduling tours at a few penthouses. Only prime real estate. I know you have fickle, expensive tastes. You might as well see what’s out there while you’re thinking it over.”
“Helps paint the picture of what life would be like,” I agreed, already feeling a tug to say no. I didn’t really want to imagine a life outside of jet-setting.
“You’d have the office right next to mine, and total control in whatever areas you need,” he explained. “Plus, of course, your own assistant and secretary. You can pick which employees you want reporting directly to you. I haven’t had a real vacation since my honeymoon. So I’m all about you assuming as much responsibility as you’re comfortable with.”
I laughed and shook my head. “You know I’d never even consider this if it wasn’t you asking.”
“You can thank me later. After you’ve made your final decision, and you realize it was a good one.”