Page 30 of Every Man's Fantasy

“I have tapped both of their phones, as well as Justin Brayton’s.”

He was another friend and fellow player on the football team. I wasn’t too close with him, but I couldn’t see why the two of them would jump me, why they would try to kill me. None of it made sense and my head was hurting, trying to decode everything. What did all of this mean? I felt like I was no closer to the answer than when I started. Now there were just more questions than ever before.

The detective talked for a while about all of the proof that he had and to me, it all seemed undeniable. Not only had they done this horrible thing to me, but they hadn’t even been smart enough to cover it up well.

“What happens next?”

The detective just kind of shrugged and asked me what I wanted to happen.

“Why are you asking me what I want to happen?”

“It means that you can press charges on all three of them. We will pick them up and we will prosecute them to the full extent of the law. They have good families, but so do you. That is why you get a choice. Maybe you would like to go home, talk it out with your parents, and then you can tell me what the next step is.”

At first, I was offended that them being left alone was even an option. Why would it be? They were horrible people, they had assaulted me in my own house, then smiled in my face the next day. Tommy with all of his concern. It made me sick to even think about it now. I had been the one feeling bad about it, but he was the one that had done me wrong. It was a hard pill to swallow, as well as all of the apologies that I hadn’t understood. It all made sense now.

“Can I do all but one?”

He shook his head. “No, all or none.”

I told him that I needed some time to think about it. It was a lot to make a decision on and I wanted to have some time to think it through. At the minute, I was ready to say screw it. There was no way that I could let it slide.

Then again, I didn’t want anything to happen to Chelsea. I didn’t want to believe that she had done it maliciously, though I couldn’t be for sure. She had been mad; things had been said, and Tommy had gotten help getting it done. It had to be Tommy. He had always made me feel strange around him. He was the sort of guy that should be stayed away from, and I was stupid to think that only women couldn’t trust him. I couldn’t trust him either.

Chelsea though, I wasn't sure what to think of her. The detective did seem pretty sure that he was right about her. That Chelsea was not only a part of it, but the ringleader of it all. It was too hard for me to wrap my head around that. Not Chelsea.

The meeting was not one that I’d been ready for. I was wrong to think that knowing above all else would be the best thing. I did know now, and I just felt crummy about it.

I left feeling dejected and actually forgot that Kimberly was coming over, until she was there. I had forgotten to talk to Jeffrey about her coming back and I got a call from her a little after five.

“I thought you said you were going to talk to him?”

“I was, I forgot, sorry.”

“Can you please tell this big lug head that I'm not trying to attack you and that you want me to be there? He is getting all threatening again, and I really don’t want to deal with this. Call him off.”

I told her to put him on the phone and I calmly told Jeffrey that Kimberly was always welcome.

“Are you sure? She seems a bit unstable.”

That made me laugh at his joke.

I told him I was sure though. I actually thought that maybe it would be better if she stayed with me for a while, with Jeffrey out front as well. I had a hard choice to make and I still wasn't sure how it was going to end, but now I had to realize that Kimberly was being dragged into whatever decision I made anyway. I didn’t have just me to worry about, but her as well.

Kimberly got off the phone and a minute later, she was in the bedroom. I was laying down because my trip to the police station earlier had exhausted me. Now though, I had a feeling that this next conversation was going to do even worse of a job on me than the detective did.

Not only did I have to tell Kimberly that all of this was because of her, in a way, I also had to tell her that she was in danger too. If I didn't put them in jail, they would be out running around, able to do anything they wanted to Kimberly. If they could get to me, they could definitely get to her.

I saw her and knew that this was going be one of the hardest discussions I'd ever had. When she came over to me and shyly kissed me, going to her tip toes to kiss me on the cheek, it was perfect. She was perfect. There was nothing else I could do at this point, but to tell her the truth and brace myself for what was going to happen next.

“Kimberly, why don't you sit down. Would you like a drink?”

“Sure, is everything alright?”

“Yeah, I just got some news today and I thought we should talk about it.”

“Back to talking again. I will be happy when you're feeling better and we can just go for a run. That's the best way to communicate.”

I grinned at her for just a moment, forgetting the hardship ahead. “I can definitely think of a better way to communicate than jogging.”

She slapped me on my chest, and I tried not to wince with the blow. Either she was hitting harder, or I was definitely not healed yet. I had a feeling that it was the latter.