Page 28 of Every Man's Fantasy



Iseriously felt better than I had in a long time. Kimberly had stayed the night, and I stayed up for hours watching her sleep. It was just as perfect as I knew it would be. I had known for a time that we were meant to be more than friends and after last night, I felt even more firm on that fact.

I should have listened to my instincts before, even though I knew it was going to be complicated. Maybe it was supposed to be complicated. Why was I trying to make things easy? It already was easy and half the time, I was bored. That had to be more than a coincidence.

I was pretty full of myself at the moment and I stretched long, before I allowed myself to look over and see Kimberly. At first, I had been worried that she had taken off when I had first woken up. That was literally the first thing that popped into my head and even though I could feel her body next to mine, I worried about what would happen if she wasn't there. How horrible that would be, I thought to myself. I didn't even want to think about it. It would be the worst thing imaginable.

When I finally did stop playing my games with myself and looked over at Kimberly, she was still sleeping and like always, she looks so peaceful and serene. One part of me wanted to wake her up and make love to her again, just because I needed to remind myself that I could.

The other part of me wanted her to sleep, because I didn't want her to realize she had something to do and leave. I had been stuck in the house for well over a week and even though a part of it came from the fact that I didn't know what to do after such a thing happened, there were other conflicting emotions. Lots of conflicting emotions. I finally just went with watching her sleep. It was relaxing and it almost felt naughty because she wasn't aware of what I was doing. She had no idea how much I admired her.

The phone started to ring not long after that, and I cursed out loud. Kimberly's eyes popped open and the moment was over. I didn’t want it to be. It was quite clear that she was a bit surprised to be waking up beside me. I don't know why. That's where she had gone to bed.

“I need to get this.”

I answered and it was Tommy. I kind of felt bad for what I thought about him before, even though he seemed like a complete jerk when it came to women. As a guy friend, he had really showed a different side. He kept asking if I was okay and wanted to know how I was doing. I didn't even know he cared that much, but now I could see that he did. All the bad thoughts I had for him now made me feel guilty.

“What's up, man?”

“Nothing. I was going to head out that way and I wondered if you needed anything?”

“No, I think I'm alright, Tommy, but thanks for checking up on me.”

“Are you sure? I just feel so bad, man, and want to make sure that you have everything that you need.”

I told him that there was nothing for him to feel bad about, but it wasn't the first time that he had said it, so I just let it go. For whatever reason, Tommy was worried for me. It did seem genuine, but that was not to say that it was.

I probably was going to look and think about everybody differently for a while. I was going to wonder if I really knew them, or if they were secretly an enemy in disguise. What had happened to me didn't feel random, and I think I was going to be on edge until I figured out what had happened and who it was. Not knowing, I think, was probably the worst. If I knew who it was, no matter who, at least I would be able to move on and not be so damn paranoid.

“Dennis, if you do need anything or you think of anything, just give me a call. When do you think you're going to be coming back to class? Everybody is asking about you.”


“Well, pretty much everybody.”

“Is there anybody that hasn't, that surprises you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, somebody did this to me and it was someone that knew my house, how it was laid out. I need to know who it was because they are close to me. I want to find the people who did it and I am going to make them pay. First though, I’ve got to figure out who it is. Has anyone been acting strange that you noticed?”

Tommy said that he couldn't think of anything, but he would keep his ears to the ground and tell me if he heard anything. I liked to think he would, but I didn’t know for sure. Distrust was going to be my companion for a while.

I got off the phone with him and Kimberly asked me who it was. She didn’t sound too curious, just more like light conversation.


Kimberly started to get out of the bed and my eyes were on the splashes of flesh that weren’t covered up by the sheet she clutched in front of her. Kimberly looked ravishing, her hair tussled, and she had pink cheeks that made me wonder what she was thinking about to procure them.


“I take it that you don't like him. I didn’t know the two of you knew each other.”

“We had a class together last year, and I can't say that I do. There's something weird about that guy and he gives me back vibes.”

“You’re not the first person that I’ve heard say that.”