Page 19 of Every Man's Fantasy

“So, this is nice. Where do you have time to do all of this? Between soccer and classes, I can barely wash my hair.”

He shrugged. “It’s all about priorities.”

“Ah, I forgot that I was now yours. To what end?”

“Why do you want to talk about the end at the beginning? Wouldn’t you want to instead enjoy it and live in the moment? Why think about the end already?”

He was being optimistic, but I wasn’t. I knew better. I knew that he would be my downfall if I wasn’t careful. I would fall, harder than I already had, and then he was going to go and live the great life that he deserved and had cultivated his life to be. I couldn’t see where I fit into all of that and it wasn’t a fact that I could just not think about.

“Because it is the inevitable, and you’re not someone that I can take lightly. You mean too much to me.”

He frowned at my answer, obviously not liking it. I couldn’t help it, though. In truth, I didn’t like it either.

“I don’t know where that leaves us, Kimberly. I want more and you don’t even want to discuss it.”

“We’re friends, Dennis. Isn’t that enough? We’re good friends and soon you will be gone to Texas, living it up, and hopefully you will think back fondly of our time together.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“What do you mean?”

He blew out a breath and poured more wine for the both of us. I had a feeling that we were going to need it. I know that this conversation was not going the way I wanted it to.