Page 16 of Every Man's Fantasy

There was this big silence, and I finally just had to come out with it. It wasn't going to be easy, though. There was a small part of me that didn't want to play these games anymore. I didn't even really want to be with Chelsea, and I think the reason that she stuck around like she did and dealt with my crap was because I kept her from going out with one of the other guys at one of the fraternities. I know what they did to the women and I didn't blame her for wanting to stay close to someone that didn't ask anything from her. She only really changed when it came to Kimberly. Maybe she knew something that I didn't know.

“Look, Chelsea, I don't really know how to say this, but I kissed someone else. Not only that, but your friend walked in and saw it. I'm afraid she is going to talk about it behind your back. I never have liked her. You know the redhead with the scrunchy face?”

There was more silence. She had not expected me to come out with that angle and to be honest. I hadn't realized that was what I was going to do either. I never did have much of a plan. Everything just kind of came to me and I started to think that maybe I had chosen the right one.

“Who did you kiss?”

“Kimberly... I don't even know why. It was stupid and I wish that I hadn’t done it.”

“Did she just seduce you or something? I mean, how do you accidentally kiss someone?”

“I didn't accidentally kiss her. I meant to. I don't know why I did it. She was just there, and I had gotten some really good news. It was more of a reflex, you know?”

“I don't know if I have those sort of reflexes, Dennis. Is that like a man thing or just you in particular?”

Her words were clipped, and she made it clear that wasn't dealing with my excuses. She hadn't started yelling, though, so I was still sure that I could get away with this. If not completely unscathed, damn near close.

“I'm sorry, Chelsea. Really, I am. It was stupid, and I will say or do whatever is necessary to make sure that nobody says anything bad about you. I don't want them thinking that I’d do that to you. I just don't want this to hurt you anymore than it already has. You don't deserve that.”

And the truth was, even though Chelsea was a bitch and really uppity, she was basically like most of the people that I hung out with. That's just who they were, and I didn't like to think of what Kimberly said about it being who I was too. I wasn't ready admit such a thing, not even to myself.

“I already know about it.”

“You do? It just happened. Well, at least she didn't go around telling everybody else. I was actually thinking that's what she would do.”

“She's not as bad as you think. She's actually pretty loyal. She said that she was calling me right outside of the locker rooms where it happened. Was she really naked?”

“Yeah, she was.”

“I can't believe this. I can't believe that you have seriously thought of a way to make an excuse of this. How is that even possible? How can anyone be that good at lying?”

“Because it really wasn’t like that at all. Honestly.”

“I don't know what to say, Dennis, but I wanted to hear your side of it. Now that I have, I guess I have some things to think about.”

I told her that I understood, even though I don't think I understood Chelsea at all. Why wouldn't she break up with me? After what I just admitted, it seemed like the only thing that could happen, but she stopped just short of it. Maybe she really was afraid to be single on campus.

I got off the phone with Chelsea, and I thought about what she had said. I never really saw myself as a douche, but I guess I was one at the moment. I was feeling like a douche. Why hadn't I just told her the truth? How hard would it have been?

The phone rang again, and I told Chelsea that I was glad she was talking to me again.

“Well, that was quick.”

“Well, I just got off the phone with her. I thought that's who this was.”

“It's not Chelsea.”

“I know it's not. It's Kimberly. What can I do for you?”

“I need your help with something. I can't really tell you what it is over the phone. Can you just come and help me? Please?”

“What's wrong?”

“Let’s just say that I'm being held up and I'm not going to be able to leave with my car, if you don't come down here. I'm kind of stuck on the west side of town. You know where 23rd street is?”

I told her that I did and even though I wanted to have more details, by the way she was talking, she wasn't in the best position to do so.

She got off the phone quickly and I wondered what was going on. What did it mean that she couldn’t leave with her car?

I left immediately to go where she said she was going to be. I would do about anything for her and that was a scary prospect. I didn’t like a woman, any woman, having that much power over me.