Page 12 of Every Man's Fantasy



Iwalked into the dorm and I was buzzing, no longer from the alcohol, but by a simple kiss that made me smile just to think about it. It was a damn good kiss and though I’d wanted more, I’d been able to see that it was a bad thing and stopped it. Hardest thing ever, but it was what had to be done. Unfortunately, at the moment, I don’t know why that was. I wish I did, really, I did.

Chelsea’s voice was the first one that I heard and a part of me died inside. Another part wished that I was still drunk, then nothing she said would bother me, or at least I liked to think that’s the case. Doubtful it is, though.

“Where have you been?”

She was too close for comfort and I tried to sidestep her, but she just moved in front of me.

“Move, Chelsea. I’m tired and I just want to get to bed.”

“I am not moving until you tell me where you’ve been.”

“Getting my car fixed because some asshole wrote on it with a key. They didn’t even spell it right…”

“It was spelled just fine!”

It was a quick admittance, and it wasn’t like I didn’t already know, but it was good for confirmation. It made me believe that I was not wrong in my assumption.

I pushed past her, not saying another word, or at least that was what I told myself I wouldn’t do. When she called behind me, saying that I better have not gone out with Dennis, I kind of lost it. I whipped around and told her that I could have Dennis if I wanted him, and that she needed to know that. Why had she needed to know that? I can’t tell you. What I can say, though, is whether or not I would regret it later, I was okay with the anger that I saw in her eyes. At the moment, it just felt good to snap back at her. Chelsea always had something to say, and when she went silent as I was walking away, I knew that I was golden.

* * *

I thoughtthat I’d won my little tiff between myself and Chelsea. I actually thought that maybe I’d gotten to her and she would leave me alone. Well, I knew it was a long shot, but I’d never bit back before, and I was hopeful for what it could do for the both of us.

When I woke up the next morning, the words were back on my car when I went out to start it. I just shook my head. How could I be worried about a woman that had no creativity at all? I could have thought of a much better way. I didn’t understand her, though ink new the why and secretly, I didn’t really blame her. He was quite a guy.

I was about to the other side of town, where I had a hair appointment with my aunt, when I got a call from Dennis. I didn’t look when I answered because I was driving. Instead, I just hit the button and Dennis’s voice filled my car.

“Good morning, Kimberly. How are you feeling?”

I told him that I felt fine. I didn’t want to mention Chelsea, at least not yet. I wanted to cut ties or at least loosen them some. Between the kiss that confused me and Chelsea that drove me insane, I knew that it wasn’t going to be a good day.

“You want to get some breakfast?”

“No, I have to get my hair cut and all that.”

“You’re not cutting it short, are you?”

I thought of Chelsea’s short hair and I knew that I wouldn’t be going that route. I didn’t have the face for such a severe cut.

“No, just trimmed. It grows better that way.”

“Oh, well, okay.”

“I wasn’t asking permission, Dennis.”

“Oh, I know. I was just saying…I would hate for you to cut your hair. It’s just so pretty.”

“So, kind of busy. Was there something that you needed?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Sorry to be short. I’m just late and your girlfriend…you know what, never mind. I will see you later, Dennis. Good luck with that recruiter.”

“You remembered?”