Page 32 of Every Man's Fantasy

He chuckled, but I didn't find it very funny. This was a mess. He had been beaten and stomped from the looks of it. How could he find any of this humorous? What was going to be done to stop this madness? He was way too nonchalant about it all, like it didn’t matter. That’s not how I felt about it at all. It mattered to me and I wanted to know what his plans were to take care of it.

When I asked him what was next, he just kind of shrugged. “What am I supposed to do at this point? I mean some crazy bitch that I never even had sex with, sent a couple of my best friends as her goons. I mean, you can't make this shit up, so I don’t know what to do with any of it.”

“Are they going to arrest her?”

That seemed like the only ending that would make sense.

“I don't know. They said that it was up to me.”

“So, you're getting her arrested, right?”

I couldn't imagine any scenario where she didn't go to jail for a very long time. She couldn't go around doing that sort of thing. Somebody had to stop her and do something about it. They could have killed him, and I didn’t even want to think about any sort of inevitability that had that ending.

When he told me that he wasn't sure what he was going to do, I must have gotten a little more upset than I realized, because he told me that he hadn't made a decision yet. Was I that ready for her to go to jail?

I answered the question, moments after it was raised in my mind. Of course. She was horrible, she had been horrible to me ever since I started at the college, and she had made my life hell. Then she had gotten him attacked. There was no way that she should not be punished. When I said as much, he didn't seem as sure, and I know that that bothered me even more. He said that he didn't have sex with her, but he had to love her. Why else would he let such a thing go?

I mentioned something of the sort to him and of course he did not take it well. He thought that I was being unfair and maybe I was. I didn't feel like being fair though. I felt like this was a complete mess and I can't believe the choices he was making.

“Well, thank you for telling me your plans.”

I got up and he asked me where I was going.

“You don't seriously expect me to stay around, do you? You got that crazy bitch running loose, and you're not going to do anything about it? She's been carving into my car for weeks now, giving me dirty looks, making threats. And you just want to let it all go? I can’t.”

I don't know why I was so mad or if it was jealousy. I don't really know what it was, but the idea of him pretending like it wasn't a huge deal just made me even more upset. It was a huge deal. She had not only attacked him, but she had been messing with me for months. Chelsea had made it impossible to find friends and every time I turned around, she was starting rumors about me and it was tiresome at the very least, and not to mention the fact that she deserved it. That seemed like a huge fact that should not be forgotten. She deserved every single bit that she was going to get.

He tried to stop me, but I stormed out because I couldn't believe that he was going to put himself and me in danger like that. I did not think that Chelsea was done. She had been so proud of herself. I don't even know how to describe it. It was obvious that she was quite happy with what she had done. There was no remorse, so why would I think that she wouldn't do it again? Of course, she would.

I felt betrayed and I certainly didn't feel safe. The idea of going back to the dorm was not something that I even wanted to think about. It was one thing when she was damaging my property, it was another thing for physical attacks that I wouldn't see coming. She had him attacked at his house, somebody that she supposedly loved. What would she do to me?

It made me think, as I drove through the town, that maybe it was time for me to take a break from school. My grades were good enough that missing a few classes would not hurt me all that much. It would probably affect my grade point average, which the perfectionist in me cared about a little too much, but I just didn't feel safe. Maybe if I had Jeffrey in front of my house, but we weren't all as privileged as Dennis was. Not all of us had a Jeffrey, but I did have a crazy jealous woman after me.

While it may be silly, instead of going back to the dorm, I got a hotel room. I felt strange to think that I had been lying in bed not that far from her. She could have done anything and I had to question why she didn't. She was certainly not the type to have much control.

* * *

The next morning,I woke up and my phone was beeping from a bunch of calls that I got in the night. I didn't have to look at it to know that it was Dennis. He most assuredly wanted to talk and have a conversation, but I was not in the mood. I don't know when I would be in the mood for such a talk.

There was also a call from my dad, but I wasn't ready to talk to him either. He would not understand any of it and of course he would want to fix everything. He was really good at that, but this wasn't something that he could fix. This was just a mess that I had somehow gotten myself into and at this point, I didn't even know how to get out of it. I still had another semester and a half, but how could I do it if I would always be looking behind me? She had proven that she would go to great lengths to punish me and Dennis. I suppose that it didn't matter that he didn't want her or even if I didn't want him. I still think she was going to seek me out to try and harm me. Why she hated me so much, I honestly couldn't even say.

Dad was not good with the ambiguous answers when I called, and he finally just asked what I was dreading him asking.

“Are you in trouble, Kimberly?”

I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t and that everything was fine. I could take care of myself and all that. That wouldn’t be the truth now, and I'm pretty sure that he would be able to see right through it. I had never been able to lie to him. He had always known when I was doing so.

“Yeah, I got into a little bit of trouble.”

“So, what are we going to do about it?”

“I don't know. I'm thinking that I'm going to take a little bit of time off.”

“Is it that serious?”

“Yeah, I think it is actually.”

He talked about getting some time off of work and I told him that it wasn't necessary. “I think that I might just go see Christine for a week or two. My classes will be fine until I get back. Besides, the holiday break is almost here.”