Page 25 of Every Man's Fantasy

“Yes, among other things.”

“It's not that bad, Dennis, and it will go away. You're probably not even going to have a scar. Are you that vain that you're so worried about your boyish looks?”

I looked at her sharply and she smiled at me. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that she was messing with me. Maybe she was because she had that mischievous look on her face again. It looked like she was having far too much fun with me.

She touched my cheek softly and told me that it was only going to make me more rugged.

“Maybe you should see it in the light. I don't think you're getting the full effect of how hideous it is.”

Kimberly sighed. “Maybe so. Why don’t you turn the lights on then and show me?”

I don't know why, but it felt like she was going to push the issue no matter what I said. It was easier just to go along with it. Most of life was that way.

“No, I don’t think I want to do that. Why don’t you just leave, Kimberly? I meant it when I said that I just wanted to be alone.”

Kimberly shrugged like she couldn’t have cared less, and by the way she was looking at me, maybe she couldn’t. Kimberly was unapologetic about it. She didn’t seem to care that I was begging her to give me some space. Apparently, according to her anyway, I didn’t know what was good for me.

“I don't believe you.”

“You should, I do mean it.”

“If that were true, why am I here?”

“Because you never listened?”

She agreed and smiled. “No, I guess I don't. What would be the fun in that?”

She touched my face softly and brushed some hair out of my eyes. I don't know what was going through her mind, but I kind of felt like I was just along for the ride. Not that I minded, though the lack of control was disconcerting.

“What are you doing?”

“I don't know. Do you mind?”

“No, but I just don't know if I'm coming or going with you sometimes, Kimberly. You send out a few mixed signals.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I guess I do. It's not easy when it comes to you. I tell myself over and over again that we can't be together. It will never work and...” She sighed.

She stopped running her fingers through my hair, and I closed my eyes to the feeling. Why did it make me want her that much more? Why did everything about her make me more determined?

“Anyways, the idea of you being hurt or out of my life was not something that I ever want to think about again. It was horrible, Dennis, and all I had was regrets.”

“What do you have regrets about?”

“Well, for one, we never had a proper kiss, not when I was sober anyway. I remember the kiss from before, but I wish I remembered it more. I was sad to think that I would never be able to kiss you again.”

I can't believe what she was saying and there was a part of me that thought that I was possibly making it up. Had I taken an extra pain med or something, and now I was just hallucinating all this? It was almost what I felt like and it was easier to follow along, when I didn't think that there were any consequences. I would know later that there was going to be consequences for this moment, but I wanted it to feel good and when it came to Kimberly, anytime she was touching me was a good thing.

When she went to her tiptoes and shyly kissed my lips, I let her do just that for a moment. It seemed almost like it had taken all of her courage, just to do that one little thing and of course, that just made her even more endearing. Why was I so obsessed with her?

She pulled back and asked me why I wasn’t kissing her back.

“You have told me a million times that it is a bad idea. I guess I can’t get it out of my head now.”

“That's because you're not trying. Maybe I know a way that we can change that mind of yours.”

She walked over to the bed, my bed, and I couldn't believe her. Why I was so inflamed with the idea of her laying exactly where I had been laying, I honestly can't tell you. I just knew that I loved the idea of it and when she laid back and looked up at me all innocently, whatever pain I was feeling was quickly forgotten.

How could anyone think they knew women like Kimberly, with her acting the way she was? I knew her well, and whatever this was that she was doing, it wasn’t something that I quite understood. Honestly, I don't think I was supposed to.


“No, I don’t think you can.”

She shook her head and smiled at me. “Yes, I will. Now you come here and kiss me, Dennis, and stop asking so many questions. This is what we both want, and I’m not going to deny it anymore. Our lives have both been messed with, and I feel like we should get something out of it.”

I didn’t know what to say and when I didn’t answer her, she implored me again.

“I need you, Dennis.”

What more could I do? She needed me, and I had needed her for a while. I approached the bed, watching her eyes darkening and knowing that it was finally going to be the time. I’d been waiting for what seemed like forever, and I couldn’t believe that it was finally time. Kimberly was finally going to be mine.