Page 14 of Every Man's Fantasy

Dennis pushed me toward one of the lockers and I could feel the cold metal against my back. I made a sound, but it was already quieted with his lips and hungry mouth. The moaning sound I heard so far away was coming out of my own mouth.

“Oh my God!”

Dennis stopped kissing me and I opened my eyes. Alice, one of Chelsea’s best friends was standing there. I don’t know why. She didn’t have an athletic bone in her body, but the why didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was there and now she was going to tell Chelsea.

At first, I tried to push Dennis back, to say that it wasn’t like that, but I quickly remembered that I was naked. My towel was out of reach and I had to hide awkwardly behind him, like that was helping at all.

“Why don’t you leave, Alice? You’re not supposed to be here.”

She made a disparaging sound and said that she was leaving. I was grateful for that and when she was out of sight, I pushed him away. “Great.”

“I’m sorry, Kimberly.”

“You should be. She already tagged my car again and now this. She is probably going to burn me up while I sleep.”

I meant it too. I was so mad. I wasn’t just mad at him and the fact that he had come. I was mad that I’d let it happen. I’d let him kiss me, let him take it to the next level, and now I was going to have to pay for it.

“Seriously, Dennis, please stay away from me. I’m happy for you and your chance to get out of here. I know that you’ll do great.”

I grabbed my clothes and tugged them on. I was still wet from the shower and the piss-poor way that I had dried myself off. I didn’t care, though. I was close to tears, but my body was on fire. He just messed with me in such a way that I couldn’t handle. I was still trying to figure out how I felt about him, and now this.

Also, I knew he was leaving, so really none of this mattered. He was a friend, a good friend, but one that was getting me in deeper. I had to keep my distance, even though Dennis was the best thing that had happened to me since my father moved us here. Dennis was my saving grace then, but now he was going to be the noose around my neck.