Page 10 of Every Man's Fantasy

“Why are you mad?”

She wouldn't answer me for a moment, and I wasn't stupid enough to ask her why again. It was becoming clear that maybe there was a lot that I didn't understand about her. It sure felt that way at the moment.

* * *

I'm not reallysure why Kimberly was upset, and she didn't tell me, but she seemed to straighten out her mood a little bit, and I was thankful for that. I hated it when she was mad at me. Really hated it.

One of the good things about Kimberly was that she was able to let things go. I had been so worried about it messing with what was going on with us, but that didn't happen. After a moment, she decided that she wasn't mad at me, and I was relieved. Beyond relieved.

We went to my parents’ house, one that I never went to. It was the perfect place, though. It was close, but completely out of town, and there was no one there to pop in and ruin our time. There were many times that I didn’t want to sneak around anymore, reputation be damned. In this way, in this place, we were able to actually be together without all of the rules of our worlds crashing in.

There wasn’t much in the cupboards because the house hadn’t been used in a while. We ended up having a feast of crackers, caviar, and wine. There was nothing that tasted better, and she mentioned something about not liking the caviar, so I found her some nuts that were in the upstairs bedroom. There was also chocolate, and I knew that would do the trick. I’d picked up a few things in the last few months and chocolate was what made Kimberly happy.

I brought them back and she had the biggest smile on her face. She wasn’t as drunk as before, but she was feeling no pain, that’s for sure.

“Thank you, Dennis.”

“What about a kiss?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Too soon?”

Now she was scowling at me. “You should have taken me up on that, Dennis. This night might have turned out differently.”

“Trust me, Kimberly. I already regret it immensely.”

That made her giggle and I groaned inwardly. I’m glad that I was able to give her so much humor.

“Well, too late now.”

I was leaning close on the couch, and I was no longer paying attention to the movie, if I ever was. I wanted to kiss her so badly.

“Your parents don’t have any games here, do they?”

I told her that they didn’t, and she frowned. “So, what are we supposed to do here?”

I must have had a look on my face telling her exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted her. I’d been wanting her and now seemed like the perfect time. I don’t see how it could possibly get any better. She was soft and fragrant, a bit buzzed, and smiling in a way that made my heart flip in my chest.

“Dennis, I thought we said just friends?”

“Maybe that is what I want to talk about.”

She sighed and waved me off like I was just saying nonsense. It wasn’t that way at all. The fact was that I knew what was going to happen if I brought her here and I wanted it to happen. That, I didn’t regret. A fair amount of everything else I did, but that in particular, not a chance. I also didn’t regret when I leaned in the last few inches and pressed my lips against hers.

They were pillowy soft, and I knew they would be that way. I’d watched her lips talk for too long. I’d known that they would be perfect, and she did not disappoint. I couldn’t have thought it possible for it to.

It was Kimberly who pushed back and had a rather surprised look on her face. She had not been expecting that, and I hadn’t imagined that I would feel so much with just a kiss. I did, though. It was all perfect and I wanted more.

Kimberly wasn’t going for it, though.

“You should have kissed me while I was drunk, Dennis. I’m too sober now.”

“Too sober?”

“Yeah, if I didn’t remember the consequences, it would be easier to do what we both want to do.”

“So, let’s get you some more to drink.”

She laughed, and though I’d always liked the sound of her laugh, at the moment it just felt wrong. I wanted her so badly it hurt. That was no laughing matter in my opinion. Kimberly stood up and I did as well.