Page 68 of Outside the Pack

“Oh. Uh. Sure.” I gave a confused look to Dom and Jasper over Violet’s shoulder, but they shrugged back. They didn’t understand her words either.

Jasper cleared his throat. “I’m glad to see that you’re okay, Bryn,” he said, pink coloring his cheeks. “I was so worried about you when I saw you in that cave.”

“Oh! You were the third wolf!” I said. “Thanks, Jasper, and thank you, Dom, for saving me.”

Dom grinned back. “You can get lost anytime you want, Bryn. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.”

Laughter bubbled through the room, an expression of relief and joy. I was so happy to be back among friends that I almost felt light-headed. But Night’s low growl from the kitchen silenced all of us. He stormed back into the living room, his eyes burning as he made a beeline for me.

“I want everyone out,” he said. “Now.”

The room cleared within seconds. I didn’t move. I knew that he wanted me to stay.

“How dare you wander off?” he raged. His voice was louder than normal, but it wasn’t quite a yell. A man with a voice as deep and as full as Night’s didn’t need to yell to make it clear that he was upset.

“How dare you try to leave, to run from me? From us? It was so stupid of me to give you even an inch of breathing room. The minute I take my eyes off you, you’re deep in the forest in some random cave, making me think you’d run back to the Kings or that you’d been abducted.”

My fists clenched at my sides. I opened my mouth, a retort hot on my tongue, but something about Night’s behavior gave me pause. I realized that his anger wasn’t truly anger. It came from a place of fear. He had been scared for me. He had worried about me.

Alright. I’d let him get it all out before I made any response. I knew this came from his concern for me, but I wouldn’t let him walk over me.

“It was so fucking reckless,” he went on. He jabbed a finger toward the door, back in the direction of the cave. “What kind of idiot, what kind of human idiot would try to protect a wolf when she can’t even protect herself? You should have run away, but you didn’t. You were this close to losing your life right in front of me, and you…you didn’t even care.”

He stopped, breathing hard. I could almost hear the thunderous pace of his heartbeat.

“I wasn’t wandering off or running away,” I snapped back. “I thought about trying to leave, but I didn’t, and do you know why?” I didn’t wait for a response. “Because I have nowhere to go, even if I could run away. I was led to the injured wolf, and I was brave for staying, not reckless. You’re such an asshole, Night. You piss me off no end!” I glared up at him, stepping closer. “You think I wasn’t scared? I was fucking terrified in that cave, Night. I thought my life was over, and that I’d never see anyone again. But you,” I jabbed her finger at him, “you have saved me twice now, and I am so grateful.”

Tears pushed behind my eyes, but I forced them back. I wasn’t done with him yet. “I knew I was safe the minute I saw your wolf. I knew I couldn’t leave when you were fighting for my life because what if something happened to you? What would I have done then? You’re the idiot, Night.” I jabbed my finger in his chest again, and he actually stepped back. “An idiot Alpha who can’t even see what’s going on when it’s in front of his face. I would never leave you behind. I would never leave this pack behind. This place is my home now, even though it shouldn’t be, and it’s all because of you.”

In the wake of our explosive argument, I was breathing hard. I glared into Night’s eyes, and he gazed back, his face full of shock, confusion, and something like wonder.

Eventually, I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing before I finally turned away from Night. I headed outside, where the others were waiting for our argument to end. I made my way to Dom, who stood leaning against the outside of Night’s cabin.

“I just want to know, did that wolf survive?” I asked. “The injured one in the cave?”

“Oh, Vince? He’s fine.”

“Vince?” He was the one who’d told Tavi’s story. “I met him at the bonfire a few nights ago. But I had no idea that was him.” I’d had no clue if the wolf was pack or not, but I was happy to find out things had turned out this way.

Dom nodded. “He’s one of our trackers, actually. He went missing a couple of days ago, but I guess now we know where he was all this time.”

I’d heard about the missing wolf, but I hadn’t known that it was Vince who was missing. I wasn’t able to figure it out in the cave when I was so alone and so panicked; all I’d been able to think about was how I could get back to Violet’s cabin.

“He’s recovering at home, and he’ll probably be better tomorrow now that his leg has been set properly.”

I smiled. I was glad that everyone was safe and sound and that none of the injuries suffered were severe. “If you see him before I do, tell him I’m glad we both made it out safe.”

Dom winked.

I looked from his face, to Jasper’s, Tavi’s, and Violet’s. They all stood nearby, waiting for me. I realized I was surrounded by people who cared about me, and my heart couldn’t have been fuller. But I was exhausted, and staying at Night’s cabin when there was so much tension between us was not an option. So I started walking home.

“Where—” Night’s voice was tight as he called after me. “Where are you going?”

I glanced back over my shoulder. He stood in the doorway, looking after me with bright, emerald eyes. “Home,” I replied. “I’m fucking exhausted, and I need some sleep.”