Page 17 of Her Christmas Beast


“No buts. We’ll need to make some changes around here, but your time is up in three months anyway.”

Tom’s voice lowers. “I was kind of hoping to stay.”

“You were?” Billy sounds as amazed as I am. I still don’t know what brought Tom here in the first place.

“Turns out I like not being connected to the internet. It’s surprisingly satisfying doing normal things in the world without it.”

“Huh. Well, that’s highly dependent on you getting along with my wife then, isn’t it?”

Tom heaves a sigh. “You don’t even know her.”

Billy chuckles, “I do. Who do you think was her first student? And who the fuck did you think that was in all the photographs around here?”

That’s when I decide to make my entrance. And damn right I’m claiming my man, not that I think Tom’s interests run in that direction. Still, I slide my arm along Billy’s waist and glare at Tom, more with a statement of intent than genuine anger.

He smirks slightly, but heads into the kitchen without a word.

“I made you eggs and toast, Angel.” Billy points to the table where a plate sits ready.

I slide into the chair, ready to eat. “So how did Tom end up here?”

“Javier again.”

“I have got to meet this guy,” I mutter as soon as my mouth isn’t full.

Billy growls like he’s going to drag me back to the bedroom again. I shovel in another forkful of eggs, just in case.

“Tom got in some trouble with hacking. The kind born out of boredom rather than evil intent, but it put him in front of some powerful people that weren’t too amused. People that look to Javier for similar skills so when they sentenced him to work release with no use of the internet for five years, I got a personal assistant.”

“Huh, well that adds up with the guy I remember.” I can practically feel Tom glower from the kitchen.

* * *

Despite making himself pretty much invisible, it’s weird having Tom around the place. Billy isn’t any better about it than I am because he doesn’t want anyone else seeing even an inch of my skin. Kinda puts a damper on things since Billy also doesn’t have any rooms without windows which also have a lock except for the bathroom. Thankfully, because I think he’d stuff me in there and not let me out if it meant he could have me all to himself. Except he does want me to eat.

Finally, I throw up my hands and growl with exasperation, “Maybe we should go to my place for a few days. I could use some more clothes anyway.”

Billy glowers at me, then brightens. “No, but getting away for a while isn’t a bad idea. How do you feel about the beach?”

“In the middle of winter?” I ask skeptically.

“In the tropics. A very private beach,” he adds slowly. “Where we can continue your lessons without having to deal with clothing.”

My pussy clenches at the thought of such easy access to his hands and his cock. “Yes, please.”

“Good. You head down to the studio now. Close the blinds and turn up the heat. I’ll make the arrangements and bring lunch down with me when I’m done. I want you naked and bent over that railing like you were before when I get there.”


Billy flicks the end of my nose. “Brat. Or I’m going to blindfold you and plug your ears, then fuck you in the dining room while Tom fixes dinner in the kitchen. You won’t have any way of knowing if we’re alone or not.”

I gape at him in horror, and he laughs. Because of course he wouldn’t do that. He doesn’t want Tom within a mile of my orgasms. But it’s such a horrible image that I’m highly motivated to comply with his original request.

It doesn’t take too much time to flick the drapes closed in the small studio. They’re mostly there to block out bright summer sunlight, so the fabric isn’t particularly dense or heavy. I don’t know how long Billy will be, so to amuse myself, I find a pair of large lab tweezers in a drawer and start rearranging the tiny figures inside the model of the office building. While I play, my naked ass shivers waiting for the room to warm. First of all, I take the woman sucking off the delivery man and push him down, then have her sit on his face. It only seems fair. She’s been giving him a blow job for months now. After that, I move the lonely office girl in the back corner out into the middle of the central hallway and give her two suited guys on their knees with their heads in her lap. I could swear I see her miniature painted features, which had already given her a slightly surprised expression, take on a decided smirk.

I’m so busy playing house that I don’t notice the breeze on my bare legs when the door opens. Not until Billy pulls the tweezers from my hand while swatting my ass lightly with his free hand. “You’re worse than Javier. I was going to praise you for being such a good girl following directions, but you’ve got a dirty mind, don’t you, Angel?“