Page 40 of Next in Line

‘One false move,’ said Khalifah’s bodyguard, ‘and I’ll blow her brains out.’

Tiny didn’t doubt it and slowly lowered the bottle of champagne while One Blow took a pace back.

‘You two,’ said the bodyguard, nodding at Tiny and OneBlow, ‘will get off the plane immediately.’ They hesitated for a moment, but when the bodyguard forced the barrel of his gun into Jackie’s mouth, they reluctantly retreated back down the aisle and down the steps onto the runway.

The gunman ordered Jackie to pull up the airstairs and close the plane’s door. On the runway she could see William, standing there looking helpless, while One Blow and Tiny stared up at her. She knew a long-range rifle would be focused on the plane’s doorway from the roof of the terminal, but the officer with his finger on the trigger wouldn’t risk squeezing it while she was still in his line of fire. Once Jackie had closed the door, the bodyguard pushed her forward towards the cockpit, where DI Roach was sitting in the captain’s seat; all part of Plan B, should Plan A go wrong. It had gone spectacularly wrong.

‘Let’s get moving!’ the bodyguard yelled at Roach, the barrel of his gun now lodged painfully in the nape of Jackie’s neck.

Roach didn’t think this was the moment to let him know he was a SO19 and had never flown a plane in his life. He put on his headset and began to pray. A voice from above answered his prayer.

‘Follow my instructions carefully,’ said the real pilot. ‘Turn on the engines by pressing the start switches in the centre of the overhead panel.’

Roach obeyed the command. He rotated the two switches and the engines spooled up, reaching idle within moments.

‘Now you need to arm the autobrake. The switch is in the centre front panel. Rotate it to RTO. Now push the two thrust levers next to your right leg forward, to about half-way, and the plane will start to accelerate. Steer with your feet – you’ll have to ease the pedals gently if you hope to remain in a straight line.’

Roach looked left and right before tentatively easing the thrust levers forward a few inches. The plane started to move forward.

‘Everything on the runway in front of you has been cleared, Inspector,’ said the voice. ‘Now I want you to push the levers a little further forward but not suddenly. The plane will speed up, until you’re doing about ninety miles an hour.’

What then, Roach wanted to ask. The gunman placed a hand on the side of the cockpit door to steady himself as the plane began to gather speed.

‘Now, get ready to shut down the thrust levers in one movement, Inspector. When you do that, the brakes will automatically be applied violently. It will feel like hitting a brick wall. The gunman is certain to be thrown off balance, and that will be your one chance to disarm him.’

‘Understood,’ said Roach, who could see the runway ahead of him was coming to an abrupt end.

‘Now,’ said the voice firmly.

Roach slammed both thrust levers closed, and as the brakes came on, the gun went off. Roach watched as a body slumped to the ground.


‘They did what?’ said the Princess as the Jaguar turned right out of Bond Street onto Piccadilly, a pair of outriders making sure the traffic was held up until the car had safely crossed the junction.

Ross told HRH what he’d witnessed during lunch as the car continued on its uninterrupted journey, and why he hadn’t been able to do anything about it.

‘Poor Mr Carmichael,’ said Diana. ‘Surely there must be something I can do to help?’

‘Nothing short of searching every guest as they leave,’ said Ross. ‘That would only embarrass some of Asprey’s best customers, which wouldn’t exactly please Mr Carmichael.’

‘But he was such a nice man, and took so much trouble to make it a memorable event. Now he’ll only have bad memories of the occasion. Perhaps I could try to make it up to him by ordering a hundred silver frames from Asprey’s, and giving one to anyone I send a photograph to after an official function.’

‘That would only make the situation worse,’ suggested Victoria. ‘The last time you did that, ma’am, Asprey’s didn’t send you a bill.’

The Princess remained silent for some time before saying, ‘I know something that will put a smile back on Mr Carmichael’s face. I’ll ask Her Majesty to award him the MVO.’

‘But that’s only usually given to people who’ve served the Royal Family for several years,’ Victoria reminded her.

‘Precisely,’ said Diana. ‘Don’t forget that Asprey’s have served the monarchy for over a hundred years.’

‘Forgive me for asking, ma’am,’ said Ross, ‘but what is an MVO?’

‘A Member of the Royal Victorian Order,’ replied Victoria. ‘The equivalent of an MBE, but rarer because it’s in the personal gift of Her Majesty.’

‘So, if you take care of me for the next twenty years, Ross, you might even get one,’ said Diana.

That’s something to look forward to, thought Ross as the car drew up outside Kensington Palace, but he didn’t express an opinion.