Page 95 of Fake Notes

“I told you I didn’t want to do anything special,” I said, and even to my own ears, I sounded whiny. “What happened to hanging at my place, ordering pizza, and eating a disgusting amount of cake?”

“I told you,” Penelope said from behind me, “just because Thorne is working on his movie and can’t see you, I’m not letting you mope around all night on your birthday. You only turn eighteen once. You’re officially an adult now. That’s a big deal!”

I grunted. It really wasn’t. Or at least, it didn’t feel like it was. Then again, maybe Penelope was right. I was moping. But could you blame me? Thorne started filmingThe Soldiers Within Usfour weeks ago, and ever since, he’s been crazy busy. We’ve seen each other, of course, but the stolen moments we got together were never enough, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping he’d somehow manage to get away for my birthday.

“You know I hate surprises,” I grumbled, unable to shake my sullen mood.

“Are you still upset about the photo?” P asked.

I smashed my lips together as the image of Thorne and his female costar kissing burned in my memory. Apparently, someone onset had leaked it. According to Thorne, it was probably the producer to create buzz, and though Maria Danali, a gorgeous blonde with eyes the color of a clear blue sky, was only in a few of the opening scenes, it still annoyed me she got to see him when I didn’t—feel his lips when I couldn’t. And my annoyance only led to more annoyance because I wasn’t the jealous type.

No, I certainly wasn’t.

Maybe if I told myself that enough times, I’d believe it.

Photo? What photo?

See! My plan was working.

“No,” I said, my voice firm, then because I knew she’d see right through me, I sighed and added, “Maybe. It’s not the kiss. It’s not even like they kiss for real. It’s just—”

“That you were hoping to see him tonight.” Penelope dropped her hands from my face and spun me around. “I know, and I totally get you’re disappointed, but when have I ever let you down?”

“You haven’t, but I—”

“I promise, you’re going to have fun,” she said, leaving no room for argument as she swiveled me back to face the shiny new exterior of Cue Ball.

“The pool house?” I asked, staring up at it unimpressed. “You know this is practically Royal territory, right?”

I thought she said this was supposed to be fun?

“Trust me. There are no Royals in sight.”

Skeptical, I grudgingly stepped forward as Topher opened the door for me and waved me inside.

The scent of tortilla chips and pizza clung to the air as I turned the corner of the entrance into the hall, and a cacophony of voices yelled, “Surprise!”

My hand clutched at my chest where my heart galloped like a racehorse. Inhaling, I blinked and slid my gaze across the eager faces.

My brain quickly computed several kids from school, a couple of my cousins, P’s father and Sara, my grandparents, and even my aunt from New York, who immediately stepped forward and drew me into a hug, her broad smile warming my insides the tiniest bit.

Normally, I would be thrilled to see her. And I was. I truly was. Yet, all I could think about was the one person I missed the most. The one who couldn’t be here.

When she pulled away and stepped back, I tried to convince myself it was okay. How amazing was it that P planned this party? That my friends and family had gathered just for me?

I glanced around at everyone, twisting my hands out in front of me. “Wow. Thank you all for . . .”

My parents and aunt stepped aside, and the words stalled in my throat. Thorne stood behind them, looking gorgeous in jeans and a green t-shirt the same shade as his eyes.

Like a dream, he moved gracefully around the pool table toward me as the breath snagged in my lungs. A grin curled the corner of his lips, and his eyes glittered as he came to stand in front of me, and all I could think was,He came.

I wasted zero time as I launched myself at him. Jumping into his arms, I wrapped myself around him like a baby koala as the beautiful sound of his laughter rumbled in my ear. Later, I’d be ashamed of my lack of composure, but for now, all I could think about was the fact that he was in Lakeview instead of on set.

I pulled back and planted a kiss on his soft lips, remembering to keep it PG in front of the onlookers, and much too soon, his strong arms slid me to the ground again.

“You came. I thought you couldn’t get away?” I asked, staring up at him.

He shrugged and tugged on a lock of my hair. “I told them I had somewhere I needed to be. I mean, it’s not every day you turn eighteen. You do realize what this means, don’t you?”