Page 47 of Fake Notes

Then he bent forward, dipping his head toward mine. A million eyes watched as they passed. “You know, eventually we’re going to have to kiss,” he whispered into my ear.

A burst of goosebumps covered my skin. “I don’t think that was in the contract,” I managed, though it was hard with the breath barely wheezing in my lungs.

Thorne grinned, his green eyes sparkling with mischief.

“You’re kidding me, right?” I asked, and when he didn’t deny it, I gave him a shove that was not meant to be playful, yet he somehow turned flirty. “You freaking put kissing in there?”

“Did you not read it at all?” he asked with a laugh.

“What else did you put in there?” I asked in a dark tone.

“Nothing too risqué, I promise.” With a wink, he let go of my hands and took off toward his first period class just as the late bell rang.

“Shoot.” I’d been too busy watching him leave, I forgot to move my feet, so I turned and ran.

He may get away with being late because he was Thorne Roberts, but I wouldn’t, and the last thing I needed was a call home to give my father more ammunition to stop me from seeing him.

Chapter 14


Itwasmylastperiod of the day, and I had yet to talk to Thorne. So it was with a heavy heart that I strolled into gym class. Not only because I promised my parents I’d go straight to Batter and Bake after school, which meant zero opportunity to talk with him in person, but also because Gabby, JT, Mikey, Xia, and Luca were all in my gym class. And it was like a Royal love fest the minute I walked in.

Lucky. Me.

Gabby placed her arm around my shoulders and steered me toward her posse while I cringed and somehow extricated myself out from under her heavy limb.

“Xia, you know Xia, right?” She asked like we hadn’t gone to school together since grade school. “Well, she’s bringing her cousin Zion to the party, and you should see the arms on this guy. I’m talking ripped—”

“Okay, hold up.” I held up a hand and stopped her in her tracks. “I hate to break it to you, but . . . ” I shook my head. “Actually, scratch that. I take pleasure in telling you this. By no means are we ever going to—”

The shrill sound of a whistle ricocheted through the gymnasium.

My hands shot to my ears, where I feared I may have permanent hearing loss. Normally, I appreciated Mrs. Brian for her ball-busting, militaristic, no-nonsense approach.

But not today. Today, I needed one more minute. A few more seconds to get my point across.

“As I was saying,” I turned to Gabby once more, my words rushed, “I will never—”

Another ear-piercing blow of the whistle interrupted me, only this time closer.

I stuck a finger in my ear and wiggled it in order to stop the ringing.

“Scarlett!” Mrs. Brian yelled. “Fall in line.”

With a groan of frustration, I lined up along with the others, including Gabby, who seemed none the wiser to the rejection I had been ready to dish out just a minute ago.

“Eeeh,” she squealed and jumped up and down beside me, focusing on something across the gymnasium while I shot her a glare.

Scowling, I followed her gaze and spotted the source of her excitement at the same time as Mrs. Brian. Thorne stood at the foul line, strutting across the gym like he owned the place in a pair of black gym shorts and a white tee that traced the planes of his hard chest.

My heart pounded like a machine gun the closer he got, and I wondered how many other girls besides me felt the same way. Based on their wide-eyed stares and breathless expressions, I’d say all of them. Except for Mrs. Brian. Apparently, his celebrity status didn’t faze her any because she simply scowled and yelled, “Take your place in the line-up, Roberts.”

“Over here.” Gabby waved frantically.

I turned to her with daggers in my eyes, but she didn’t see me through the lust for fame in hers.

“We saved you a spot,” she added as she inched aside, making room for him between us.