Page 81 of Fake Notes

Thorne and I were anything but normal. We weren’t even a real couple.

Honestly, the last month felt like a dream. But soon enough, Thorne would go back to filming. He’d leave, and the cameras would all disappear. Life would go back to the way it was before he came crashing into my life. Even if he and I stayed friends like I hoped, the paparazzi would move on to the next big headline, and our relationship status would be forgotten.

“Well, you’re stronger than I am because I wouldhatebeing in the spotlight.”

“No!” Topher teased, his gaze warm. “Really?”

Penelope grinned at him, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Did Thorne and I ever look like that when we were together? Were we that convincing?

Then Topher reached out and laced his fingers with hers, and my stomach squeezed with longing as it hit me like a slap to the face—I was jealous of my best friend. I wanted what she had with Topher, and the only thing that scared me more than that was that I wanted it with Thorne.

Chapter 25


Afterschool,Ipulledup to my house, eyeing Thorne’s car by the curb, and parked in the driveway behind Mom and Dad’s work van with a frown. With all the media attention and the influx of business this week, they’d been working late. To see them home so early was a surprise.

I got out of the car and hurried up the driveway, relieved at the absence of the photographers, while my mind churned. Why would Thorne be here, waiting for me with my parents?

Worry gnawed on my insides when I pushed inside the house and hurried through the foyer to find the three of them congregating in the kitchen. Mom and Dad clutched a wine glass in their hands while Thorne hovered behind the kitchen island, eating one of Mom’s homemade sugar donuts.

I cleared my throat, alerting them to my presence, and all eyes turned to me.

“Scar, you’re here!” Mom threw one hand up and hurried toward me, embracing me in a quick hug.

She smelled like cinnamon and baked bread—like all good things from my childhood—and I let the familiarity of it soothe my fears as my eyes met Thorne’s above her head and I asked, “What’s going on?”

“We have news,” she said.

“Is everything okay?”

“More than okay,” Dad chimed in. “Thorne, you wanna do the honors?”

Thorne grinned as he stepped forward, and I wished somebody would just spit it out.

“I got word from the attorneys this morning,” he said.

My mouth went dry.

“The other team is settling for the cost of her attorney’s fees. It’s over. You won.”

My gaze darted to Mom and Dad. “Is that true?”

Mom nodded. “It really is over.”

I let out a half-laugh as the weight I’d been carrying for the last month lifted. “Just like that?” I said, more to myself than anyone else. I could hardly believe it.

Mom nodded. “When they made the offer to settle, the attorneys recommended we jump on it. Even though we’d rather win outright, they said it wasn’t worth going to court. This way, she really doesn’t get anything from us, but it’s over, and we’re out very little.”

“We took it as a huge win,” Dad added.

“Absolutely.” I reached up and placed my hands on either side of my face, allowing the news to sink in. Piece by piece, my load lightened until there was nothing left of it. Batter and Bake was safe. My parents' business would survive, and I still had a shot at Parsons in the fall. “What made them change their mind?” I asked.

“Word is once you and the media thrust us into the spotlight and lauded you as a hero, they got scared.” Thorne leaned back against the island, crossing his arms over his chest, his smile smug. “Looks like all this publicity worked in your favor.”

He winked, and my heart skipped a beat. If the media attention was enough to affect the lawsuit, the decision about Thorne’s role wasn’t far behind.

“That’s . . . amazing.” I shook my head and thought about all the reasons this was good news. So many reasons. Yet my smile was scarce.