So that was the reason for the party. To tell us my costar was out and Davis was in. Which also meant filming would resume sooner rather than later.
“Looks like we’ll be spending lots of time together soon enough.” Davis bumped my shoulder, and I wanted to slug him, but I held my cool. “They’re ironing out the details of my contract as we speak. With any luck, we’ll start filming again by the end of the month. Well, that is, if they keep you on.”
I raked a hand through my hair and inhaled, ignoring the dig. Working with him again meant nothing, I told myself. History wouldn’t repeat itself as long as I stayed away from him.
“Just think of all the fun we’ll have,” Davis continued. Then to Scarlett: “We used to be pretty tight, Thorne and I.”
“We were never tight,” I said through gritted teeth, though it was a lie. At one time, I considered him a best friend before he betrayed me.
“How can you say that?” he asked, wide-eyed and feigning surprise. Then his gaze flickered to the windows and the people milling about inside. “Hey, have you seen the producer's wife? Hot damn.” He shook his head. “I wonder how much influence she holds over him.”
I rocked back on my heels as my thoughts flickered to the past and my hands tightened into fists. At one time, I thought Davis was a friend—my only friend—and I trusted him, confided in him. And it backfired. But no more. He got one over on me once, but it wouldn’t happen again.
Just let it go, I told myself. Causing a scene wasn’t worth it, and as I stared him in the eyes, I realized it was exactly what he wanted. I could see it written all over his smug face. If I took the bait and gave him a fist to the face at a cast party, deserved or not, it might be the last straw. One more reason to replace me. Davis made it happen once before; it could happen again.
“I’m going back inside,” Mimi interrupted. “I’m cold and I’d like a drink. Scarlett, would you like to join me?”
“No. I’ll stay with Thorne, thanks,” Scarlett said, reaching for my hand, and I was instantly grateful.
Mimi nodded, then slinked away, back toward the party.
“Did you want to go back in too?” Scarlett asked, glancing up at me, eyes round with concern.
“Yeah, let’s go,” I said, grateful again for her grounding presence. Then, with a nod in the direction of the director's wife, I said, “Have fun with that while I’m focusing on the lead role.”
“You’re right. I should focus my energies elsewhere.”
I shook my head and turned.Douchebag.
“Maybe I’ll try someone my own age out for size.”
I froze. The hairs on my arms rose. A smarter man would’ve kept walking. Instead, I slowly turned in time to see Davis sliding his gaze over Scarlett’s body. “I mean, we were having a pretty good time until you came along.” He stepped forward, leering at her while my whole body tensed.
Every muscle inside me was coiled, ready for a fight. “Don’t . . .” I warned.
“I bet if I got her alone—"
I lunged at him before he even finished the sentence. My hand grabbed his throat. I squeezed as I drew my other fist back, ready to bust his pretty face in—good luck stealing a role from me again with a broken nose—when Scarlett jumped in front of me.
“Thorne, no!” Her arm parried mine, knocking me off my trajectory. My knuckles clipped the edge of his jaw.
“Stop!” She moved into my line of vision, hands up, while I blinked, allowing the sound of her voice to cool my blood.
The hand around his neck fell to my side. He wasn’t worth it.
Davis could have his supporting role. And he could have his anger and trauma—wherever it came from. We could’ve been friends. At one time, I thought we were. But I was there for him, and he let me down time and time again before he stabbed me in the back.
Maybe it was time to bury the past.
Davis laughed. “You always were a pussy.”
His words bounced off me as Scarlett pushed her arm through mine, tugging gently, coaxing me to leave the fight.
“Or maybe you’re just not worth it,” I said, then I returned to the party on Scarlett’s arm, and I felt like the luckiest man alive. Not because I was a star or famous. And not because of my net worth or the balance in my bank account. But because I had her. She made me a better man. And with her, I could do anything.
Chapter 23